How to make the subconscious prompt the right numbers. Work with the subconscious, detailed application technique. Tame Dummy Guide

Your subconscious mind can do anything, you only need to convey what you want to it! Learn how to properly influence the subconscious!

In the last lesson of our Money Magic course, you learned about the technique of interrupted sleep. Today you will learn how to work with this technique and have an effect on the subconscious. Read carefully, the text is small but important!

Why is the impact on the subconscious at this particular time?

So, when did you wake up at 2.22. nights, and interrupted your sweet dream, you are automatically in theta state¹. Theta state is the state of the gap between sleep and reality. This is a borderline state of consciousness.

Ancient people knew that in this state there are unlimited possibilities for managing reality and knowing the higher.

In this state, you can easily influence your subconscious and get what you want.

Let us consider this condition in more detail from a practical point of view. When you set an alarm and woke up at 2.22, you woke up in a magical time. You do not need to get out of bed, but you can sit down or practice lying down. If you want to use the toilet, you can go (you can, but not advisable). It doesn’t hurt much.

How to work in the "Interrupted Dream" technique?

All you need to do is sit down or lie down and feel a drowsy theta state. There is nothing easier, since it will already be with you. You do not need to enter it, you are in it when you just woke up and another 5 minutes after that. Just feel yourself falling asleep again.

You will probably feel a certain wave of sleep that pulls you down, into yourself. You can feel some “dips” of consciousness in a dream. Thoughts get confused, and consciousness floats away ...

This is it - a magical theta state in which you can change your reality.

So, we are interested in precisely these states of “failures” or pulling waves. At this moment, a “magic” portal to the subconscious mind opens inside you, which means that you can embed various programs into it and edit some settings.

You can reprogram yourself² and your reality.

How to reprogram your subconscious?

This is done very simply.

1. Focus as much as possible on any thought that interests you, for example: "I am very rich." Or: "I have 10 million in my account."

2. Mentally pronounce this phrase inward. The phrase can be any and on any topic (“I am absolutely healthy”, “Such or such and such love me”, “I am slender and beautiful” ...).

3. When the failure begins, you mentally loudly pronounce the command you need inside you, walking as if along a wave of failure down or deep. Do not try to understand this logically now. There is no logic in theta state, only sensation.

An irrational³ sensation that cannot be grasped or described using logic. Don't ask questions, just do it.

How to understand that the program is accepted by the subconscious and the work has begun?

To understand this is quite simple. There must be a response or an echo. That is, when you enter the command "I am rich", in a moment, as if from somewhere inside you or from nowhere you hear or feel an echo - I am rich ... rich ... It may sound or be felt one or several times.

How many times do you need to command the subconscious?

When you work in an interrupted dream, you only need to enter the command once and get an “echo” or “response”, if you did not receive this “response”, then the program is probably not understood or not fully understood. Then you need to re-enter the command.

In order for the installation to be accepted by the subconscious, enter the command until you get an echo. This work should be carried out for many days. From my experience, simple tasks can be taken the first time.

Larger and more complex tasks may require team re-entry over several weeks or even months.

But it is worth it if suppose you want to get your own home or to recover from an incurable disease.

How are programmed situations implemented?

Usually, through the “random” combination of circumstances of life, you get what you want. Situations unfold, something forms, something happens (not always good), and as a result of this chain of situations, gradually, after a while, your desire is realized. The subconscious mind will contribute to this, and the Universe will help to translate the desired into reality.

What will you learn from the next lesson?

In the next lesson, another amazing process of the subconscious will be considered. It turns out that the technique of interrupted sleep can give access to unlimited information!

You can view your fate, you can ask questions to the subconscious (it knows everything). This technique will provide an incredible service to researchers, writers, players, brokers, bookmakers and just ordinary people who want to find out what is hidden in everyday life.

Notes and feature articles for a deeper understanding of the material.

¹ Theta rhythm - a brain rhythm with a frequency of 4-8 Hz, electric potential of 10 - 400 microvolts (Wikipedia).

³ Irrationality in psychology - a class of functions of the human psyche that lie “beyond the mind” - sensation and intuition (

This article will focus on techniques and methods of working with the subconscious.

Absolutely all approaches to working with the subconscious and conscious can be reduced to only three options:

  1. Reprogramming

  2. Deprogramming

  3. Programming or Psychocoding

All these approaches differ from each other in their ways of influencing your subcortex, but all of them are certainly created in order to reveal your potential: get rid of fears, achieve your goals, get rid of negative attitudes, strengthen your health, find harmony and happiness , and much more.

In this article, we will consider the specifics of working with the subconscious, and answer the question of what is programming, reprogramming and deprogrammyron of the subconscious.


This knowledge will prove to be quite useful in understanding "what is" and, in my opinion, are necessary in order to compose your own programs, suggestions or psychotechnics. And also, they will allow you to understand the essence of the work of various techniques that you may encounter in your life

Work with the subconscious.

Work with the subconscious  necessary primarily for the removal of negative attitudes (negative programs), complexes and other heresies, which are stored in our subcortex. I'm not stopping here.

Also, it is necessary to master the work with the subconscious if you want to create your own psychotechnics and psycho-programs that will give you an advantage over other mortals. On this, I also do not stop.

If you familiarize yourself with the proposed material, go to the heart of the matter.

1. Work with the subconscious: reprogramming.

Reprogramming is a change in a person by instilling in him (or himself) new patterns of behavior. For this, meditation, hypnosis, affirmations, subliminal audio programs and other techniques of similar action are often used. A matter of taste.

What are good reprogramming psychotechnics? The fact that they allow you to change the subjective experience of a person to any other, replacing the established patterns, and experienced events with new ones.

For instance:

Negative emotions received when communicating with a subject can be replaced with neutral ones using reprogramming techniques at a time when the impressions of the meeting are still “fresh”.

  • Negative experiences are neutral or positive.
  • The negative state of the psyche is neutral or positive.

Certainly, reprogramming enables a person to live in a new way, solving problems that arise easily and simply. But, keep in mind that reprogramming almost never removes the causes of underlying problems.

Those. if you want to rid yourself of DEEP, long-standing trauma, complexes or deep-rooted negative attitudes that are stored in your subconscious from childhood, then you must understand that using reprogramming techniques, sooner or later your complexes will come out in such an unsightly form that it can become fearfully.

Hence the conclusion:

reprogramming psychotechnics is a powerful weapon, but it must be used wisely.

Of course, I do not claim that this, psychotechnics of this type of influence can not get rid of deep problems, but I am deeply convinced that this is possible only in the hands of an experienced master.

Therefore, I advise you to study and independently apply reprogramming techniques only for their intended purpose:

  1. prevent negative consequences  certain events in your life, replacing the "negative" experience, "positive" as it arrives
  2. create new, useful behaviors

And I advise you to refrain from picking the subcortex to eliminate underlying problems. Because in the absence of sufficient preparation, this, as a rule, will not lead to anything good.

Separately about affirmations

Separately, I want to say about affirmations that have become too “fashionable” recently.

When using affirmations, the problem itself is NOT resolved. As soon as affirmations cease to be nourished by repetition, the almost always old patterns of behavior come back. Of course, there is an option to torment yourself by repeating the same thing until the moment you forcibly accept those patterns of behavior that are implanted into it :). But even in this case, you are not getting rid of the problem. The new behavior algorithm disguises it, but does not delete it. And therefore, the day necessarily comes when the problem reminds itself with all its might.

2. Work with the subconscious mind: deprogramming

But what is deprogramming? It is aimed at SOLVING personal problems. Unlike reprogramming, a person encounters a problem face to face and solves it. And after that, when the problem has disappeared, he goes quietly, goes on through life.

Moreover, there is no such approach when a person must overpower himself, tell himself that he is above this disaster and that he does not need to succumb to the problem. These are all methods of reprogramming, and partly programming. In addition, when deprogramming is carried out, no one admires the problem, does not consider it from all sides, because all this cannot be called real work with a person and his troubles (yes, this is another stone in the garden of "room" psychologists)

When deprogramming occurs, find the cause of the problem and fix it in any suitable way. Examples of this approach are Dianetic auditing, EFT, and other psychological systems that fix the problem, but not mask it. And then, when the problems are fixed, the brain is clean.

Work with the subconscious  through deprogramming allows you to solve any psychological problem. Very quickly, some traumatic episodes from the past can be eliminated in a person.

For instance,

  • rape
  • loss of loved ones
  • feelings of shame, self-hatred, to the world, which were introduced from infancy.
  • depression, despair, apathy, sacrifice
  • and many other negative installation programs.

Even unrequited love is treated! But this is if the person himself wants to be cured.

So you can get rid of many psychological addictions. Deprogramming may be useful when dealing with how a person relates to money. After the brainwashing, he immediately, of course, will not get rich, but his attitude to money will be healthier and easier, which will allow him to earn money and calmly manage it. It is noted that when using the techniques of deprogramming, even some physical illnesses can go away, because they often arise from bad thoughts - a phenomenon of psychosomatics.

Absolutely all deprogramming techniques are united by the fact that they are aimed at eliminating precisely the roots of psychological problems in the subconscious. Why is it necessary to eliminate these problems, and not, say, install new programs on top of them or not push the old problems as deep as possible so that they do not make themselves felt?

Deprogramming techniques work with the “charges” of mental energy in the subconscious. The simplest example of a mental charge is the charge on some episode from the past. Everyone in life had some events that are hard to remember. The memories and emotions associated with this event can be hidden deep inside and crushed from above by other emotions. However, if you plunge into such an episode with your head, then the old, forgotten emotions will overwhelm more than when the event took place. Such a reaction is a sign of a charge - a piece of mental energy is stored in the human subconscious, which can create a reaction to what happened. Charges can be in places (it’s scary to go to any place), and in people (it hurts to remember a certain person who died or left) and much more. Deprogramming helps   eliminate charges of energy from the subconscious. Thanks to this, events from life, places, people no longer cause absolutely no automatic reaction in a person. It should be noted that memories that were deprived of a charge are not erased from memory. They remain, but are perceived neutrally.


However, here there are pitfalls. While working with the subconscious on the principle of deprogramming, you can grab the “pendulum” - a temporary psycho-emotional destabilization of your mental state. And this is aggression, and apathy and depression.

Of course, they are worked out and disappear without a trace. But the fact of their presence is unpleasant.

You can get additional information on this type of technique in the article:, as well as get acquainted with one of the deprogramming techniques in detail:

3. Work with the subconscious: programming.

My favorite way to work with the subconscious. Because both my psychotechnics and my own self-development technique are based on this principle of working with the subconscious.

In fact, this method departs from the reprogramming of the subconscious. But I highlight it separately, because he, unlike the first, provides a better, deeper result. And, with its help, you can reprogram as well as reprogram your own. The basis of this method is through trance states, with the help of which the human consciousness penetrates into his unconscious and directly affects him (mental energy, inner self) according to the coding schemes of the psyche.

To date, quantum physicists have established that human consciousness, under certain circumstances, can influence reality by changing it. And this is not fiction and not a desire to attract your attention, but scientifically proven and justified truth. Everything in our world consists of energy, energy is our thoughts with intentions and desires. There is also such a thing as passwords for the subconscious, with what it is and why they are needed, this article will familiarize you.

Code words for the subconscious

The method in question is known as internal transformation; it consists in applying switch words according to the method of James T. Mangan.

Due to the passwords, the conscious is connected to the unconscious, and it becomes possible to achieve its goal. Using the code words of the subconscious, you will receive everything that you have long craved for so many years - happiness, success, love and material well-being.

For forty years, scientists have been studying the nature of psychogenesis and other areas of metaphysics. Their main thesis was the statement that each thought has its own monosyllabic formula.

In the records of James Mangan, you can find a mention that on March 10, 1951, he found a key for the word “Inspiration” - the word “Together”. Thanks to practical research, it was possible to establish that the unconscious can take one word where it previously stubbornly refused to accept a whole verbal flow.

Moreover, short words that are pronounced without underlining their designation do not apply to auto-suggestion. After all, these are not orders, not instructions, they are assimilated only on a subconscious level.

The purpose of pronouncing the word codes is not to convey their meaning, but acts as a kind of password. In the process of working on passwords, you must adhere to the established sequence in the construction of phrases.

Take for example the word “together”. It is a connecting chain between the conscious and the unconscious. And the word "now" will accelerate what you dream about.

Learn more about the work of our unconscious from this video:

Examples of Password Words for the Subconscious

Consider the above described on a specific sample. Suppose you are seriously offended, you are constantly returning to this situation again and again, but you are not able to let it go. The mind realizes that you should stop thinking about what happened, but you are not able to pull yourself together.

It is necessary to repeat it, and you will feel that you are gradually calming down, getting rid of negative emotions. It is also recommended that you use this password when you are required to exert physical effort. You will feel a surge of strength and energy to fulfill the plan.

There are many examples of words that are codes for the subconscious. The meaning of the idea - a combination of certain words has a specific effect on our subconscious, due to which changes occur at the physical level.

Consider another example. Let's say you have lost something and want to find the lost thing. Then you should say out loud or a mental wording: "Find it together now."

In this case, the word “together”  help connect the conscious with the unconscious.

"To find"  - is a keyword.

And now"  - will accelerate the necessary event.

Before putting a keyword, you must insert the word “together”, and end the phrase with the word “now”.

We offer you examples of other password words that will make your subconscious mind work as necessary.

  • To feel good, say the word stretch.
  • To eliminate pain - “change”.
  • To convince someone, turn it on.
  • Get rid of danger - “protect”.
  • To keep a secret - forever.
  • To fall asleep - "around."
  • To build something - "set."
  • For the development of extrasensory abilities - "between."
  • For the implementation of innovative ideas - “forward”.
  • To stop smoking - "count".
  • To get rid of negative habits - “away”.
  • For the timely completion of work - "done."
  • To abstain from anything is the “end”.
  • To resurrect memories - “custody”.
  • To find a lost thing - "find".
  • In order not to respond to the attacks of others - “dive”.
  • To get rid of grievances - “set aside”.
  • To cope with hard work - “adapt”.
  • To get rid of longing - “attention”.
  • To strengthen the willpower - "done."
  • Win the competition - “fight”.
  • To overcome inertia - “move.”
  • Get rid of debts - “push aside”.
  • To be inspired - "for."
  • To achieve success - "patience."
  • Becoming more attentive is “attention.”
  • To temper your character - "hold."
  • To strengthen your stamina - "finish."
  • Open the third eye - "slower."
  • Calm the mind - “be.”
  • Get a large amount of money - "count".
  • Gather courage - “hesitation”.
  • For the sale of something - "present."
  • To get a new experience is to “comply.”
  • To improve your health, be.
  • To come up with something - to "find."
  • Get rid of alcoholism - “save”.
  • To heal wounds - "this."
  • To find a way out of the situation - “done”.
  • Get rid of grievances - thank you.
  • To get recognition at work - “personally”.
  • So that the children obey you - “collect”.
  • Thanks to the use of these password words, you will be able to tune your subconscious mind to the correct wave and make your life as you wish.

    Work with the subconscious is interesting and informative. In her process, you will discover some secrets of the subconscious, which until now have remained unsolved for you. Working with the subconscious mind will make you smarter, more successful, it will teach you to enjoy life and accept it as it is. The task of both consciousness and the subconscious is the same - to ensure survival and success. Rational thinking provides it. But the irrational can cost a person life if, say, he takes the red light of a traffic light for the call of an angel. Where does irrational thinking come from? Most often, it arises from a superficial understanding and not the ability to work with the subconscious. Man grabbed snatches of knowledge. They formed a terrible mess in his head from guesses, fairy tales and misunderstandings, and then, when he tries to use all this in life, this porridge falls upon him with failures and disappointments.

    Work with the subconscious, the first rule. No dummy words!

    First we learn the main rule of working with the subconscious: never use dummy words! They mean nothing, and each person understands them in his own way. Examples of dummy words: karma, charisma, aura ...

    The subconscious mind does not like dummy words. Compare the two phrases:
      1. Etheric radiation is the emanation of charisma into an aura.
      2. You jumped out of the burning sauna and now you will jump into the ice pool.

    Which of these phrases has your subconscious mind responded to? What should you expect in both cases, what should you tune into? Dummy words seem to clog your head with cotton, and all subconscious activity is inhibited. They pronounced "transcendental existence," the language tied in a knot, and the subconscious mind fell into a stupor. So what's next? Concrete and clear words give the subconscious mind exact commands, and it will not let you down.

    The more specific you think, the more powerful your intelligence.

    If the task seems difficult, then there are many dummy words in the condition of the problem. Take them away - and the task will be solved by itself. Chess is the simplest illustration. For those who do not know how to play the words “queen”, “pat”, “zugzwang” - these are empty words. For him, they are meaningless. A beginner uses these words, but does it rationally. But mastery begins with mastering the concepts of “attack”, “defense”, “struggle for the center”. World-class masters are already working with the concepts of strategy and tactics, which is not yet available to modern computers. And the computer did not beat Kasparov in the usual sense of the word (since consultants, grandmasters cannot give programmers the level of Kasparov’s strategy), but scored it with a quick search of options.

    But if a beginner asks Kasparov what is the secret of his game, in response he will only hear a set of dummy words. Although, if Kasparov is patient, he can tell everything in simple words. Hence the first practical advice for working with the subconscious: if someone expresses themselves intelligently and incomprehensibly, repeat the same thing in simple words - as a rule, everything will be clear and obvious.

    So, remember. An intelligent person never uses words whose meaning is not clear to him. He never reads books in which the author does not clarify the meaning of the terms used. Never talks to people who do not understand the meaning of the terms that they use.

    Check how dummy words affect your memory. Repeat without looking at the two phrases that I gave as an example. As you can see, the memory of a dummy word also does not like. Therefore, the secret of good memory also lies in a simple phrase: no dummy words!

    Tame Dummy Guide

    Dummy words are useful and harmful. Harmful dummy words are used to demonstrate that a person is smarter than everyone. Useful dummy words are used in the work of the master of their craft, so such dummy words need to be tamed. After taming, the dummy word turns into a little fluffy friend, making you a little smarter.

    To tame a dummy word, you need to know that it is always based on a simple everyday situation. Here it needs to be found and presented in detail. Tame such a useful dummy word as frustration.

    You walk down the street and feel hungry. But you have an orange. You peel a wonderfully smelling, juicy fruit. You are drooling. Sweet juice flows down the fingers. And suddenly the peeled orange slips out of his hands and falls into the mud. And you stand in complete prostration (perplexity). So: FRUIT + PROSTRATION \u003d FRUSTATION. The dummy word is tamed! And now let's look at the encyclopedic dictionary.

    Frustration (from lat. Frustratio - deception, failure) - a psychological state. It arises in a situation of disappointment, the non-fulfillment of any goal or need that is significant for a person. It manifests itself in oppressive tension, anxiety, a sense of hopelessness. A reaction to frustration can be a departure into the world of dreams and fantasies, aggressive behavior, etc.

    Oh, how often people experience this same frustration! Take a look around. It feels like there is one sheer frustration around. But we will not go into the world of dreams and fantasies. If we need to do something, but it doesn’t work, we will turn to the subconscious.

    Work with the subconscious, the second rule. You can’t do it yourself - ask for the subconscious.

    Let us remember the following rule of working with the subconscious mind: if you don’t manage it yourself, ask the subconscious for help. The number of cases that the subconscious can do at the same time is practically unlimited.

    Why can the driver calmly listen to the news on the radio? Because: eyes follow the road; language - for candy; the left leg is responsible for traction; right leg - for gas and brake; left hand - behind the wheel and headlights; right hand - for the gear lever and the companion's knee.

    But how is this obtained? After all, in consciousness there is no place for such a diverse activity? And it is not necessary. Everything is controlled by the subconscious. How to make the subconscious mind also think? But very simple. It is necessary to mentally imagine the action that the subconscious mind should do in response to the necessary information.

    Let's say you have a public appearance and you are worried. This is quite natural. After all, you need to simultaneously keep the thought in your head, and select the words, and hold on decently. Everything, the mind is overloaded. Are you panicking? Not! We recall the rule: you can’t do it yourself - ask for help from the subconscious.

    In advance and in turn, you need to rehearse how to: stay on stage (walk, sit down, get up, dodge tomatoes); select words (pronounce any text on a random topic); pick up thoughts (express your thoughts on the topic of the report to the elevator neighbor). Actually, that's all. The subconscious mind remembers 90% of the information it receives (and you only 10%). Therefore, the "trained" subconscious mind will take care of your speech and at the right time will do everything right.

    And when you read the book, the subconscious mind can independently look for facts and ideas in the text for your report (the technique of regional vision). To do this, before reading, clearly tell the subconscious (that is, mentally formulate) what exactly you need for the report. And read it calmly. The eye will automatically grab the right places.

    Work with the subconscious, the third rule, chess.

    Consider the third rule of working with the subconscious. This rule is well known to all chess players, and it sounds like this: touched a piece - go. The next paragraph is boring. Do not read.

    When we are going to do something, the so-called Walter wave appears in the frontal lobes of the brain. This is a special type of brain activity that is subjectively perceived as a readiness for action. If the action took place, then Walter's wave subsides. But if the action is not completed, then Walter’s wave persists and is subjectively perceived as “something is needed.” These waves can accumulate, which leads to the state: “Lord, when will it all end?”

    Most of all, small but constant setbacks prevent life from rejoicing. He called - no, he came - a puddle, bit - sour, kissed - turned into a frog. You spend all the time in bed with your beloved. And all would be well if the beloved were not called Depression.

    The main cause of depression is not related to fires, disasters and natural disasters. It arises from repeated situations: a tie was lost, soap slipped away, the cat was the first to try your sandwich. You can consciously console yourself as you please, but you feel yourself far from at ease. Who is stopping you? And this is our old friend - the subconscious. The whole problem is that the subconscious mind received the command to "eat a sandwich", so it prepared saliva, and gastric juice, and a cheerful mood, but all in vain!

    When circumstances interfere with the implementation of the plan, the subconscious is very “upset”. And here we recall the chess rule of working with the subconscious: "I touched a piece - go." That is, each of your actions should be completely completed. He opened his mouth - say, waved - hit, ran away - jump, jumped - say "gop".

    Work with the subconscious, rule four. Get ready for any success.

    The application of the previous rule of working with the subconscious has one subtlety. In life, it is far from always possible to do everything as one would like. Swung - missed, fled - slipped. The offender escaped, and we begin to wave our fists after the fight. Long wave. For the rest of my life. Why? But because the subconscious mind is waiting for the result. But there is no result. So it twists these thoughts like a bored barrel organ.

    In order not to fall into such a situation, it is necessary to anticipate the development of events in advance. And be prepared for any option. When inviting a girl to dance, be prepared for the fact that she will give birth to eighteen children, and then she will run away from you to the Arab sheikh. Then you will accept her refusal to dance with joy. You went to the cinema, and the tickets ran out. But you have foreseen this, so without any frustration you go to the zoo. And there the strike and all the animals were released from the cages. But you are ready for this too, so you take your baby elephant to ride it to work. As soon as you are going to do something, immediately think about what you will do if circumstances change. And when they change, act according to your plan. As a result, life cannot drive you into a dead end. You will always have an emergency exit.

    This rule of working with the subconscious will save you from an unpleasant situation when you are so obsessed with your goal that you begin to worry that you will not reach it. And you are thinking not about how to achieve the goal, but about what will happen if you fail. That is, in fact, you switch the attention of the subconscious to failure. And the subconscious mind obediently remembers this picture as a goal. And, be sure, the subconscious is guaranteed to provide you with a complete and final failure.

    Avoiding thoughts of failure is very easy. To do this, work with the subconscious mind and make any development of events a part of your plan. Then you will calmly accept any outcome. You will not worry about this, but rather focus on the best implementation of the main part of the plan. This ability must be brought to automatism. Each plan has a section "And if not ...", so you bring your every action to its logical end. Then the subconscious will be automatically relieved of failures.

    To do this, setting the task, immediately give an alternative:
      - Distribute among the residents of our housing office!
      - What if?..
      - And if they don’t take it, turn off the gas!

    Life all the time gives us a lot of opportunities. If we focus on one, we can skip the other, much better ones. When hunting for a crane, be prepared to grab a flying tit by the tail. Do not rest your forehead against the wall. When looking for a tie, immediately think about how you will look on the podium without a tie (and at the same time without pants if they are also stocked somewhere). Then each action will have a subconscious completion. And the subconscious will always be clear and ready to work.

    Work with the subconscious, rule five. Do not be a puppet.

    Now we will get acquainted with the last rule of working with the subconscious. It is most important because it is devoted to the irrationality of the subconscious. People are amazingly, monstrously irrational. Even those who consider themselves advanced. From vivid examples, I can recall a smoking psychologist who quits smoking.

    A smoking psychologist is nonsense in itself, because smoking is an addiction. If he frees others from dependence, then why can't he help himself? And the answer is simple. He relieves smoking consciously, and his desire to smoke subconsciously. But a powerful subconscious mind is much stronger than a weak consciousness. It is many times faster to think and manage all the senses and reactions of the body as a whole.

    Therefore, the subconscious mind will quickly explain why you need to smoke:
      - This is solid (teenager's subconscious program).
      - For me personally, this is not very harmful (reaction to anti-nicotine propaganda).
      - I can quit at any moment (subconscious reaction of an adult).
      - I want to!!! (body reaction)

    And here we find the main rule of working with the subconscious: if you do not control the subconscious, then it controls you. Every day a person is convinced of the stupidity, uselessness and worthlessness of many rites, traditions and rituals. But constantly they should. Why? But because they are commanded by the subconscious. And a man dutifully dances to the orchestra a pipe of the “crazy” subconscious.

    Every day, an adult aunt begins by reading a horoscope. Because, being a teenager-senseless, she heard that horoscopes control our lives. And she continues to believe this, already becoming an adult. She can not figure out that the horoscope needs to be read not BEFORE, but AFTER, and compared with what really happened. Then draw conclusions and forget about this harmful and very dangerous habit forever. Because reading a horoscope programs the subconscious mind to fulfill what is written in it. And then the rule works: if you do not control the subconscious, then it controls you. And if the horoscope says that you have a bad day, then the subconscious mind will find thousands of ways to ruin it.

    Millions of people read a variety of esoteric literature and believe that tomorrow the dumplings themselves will start jumping into their mouths. They think they will discover in their subconscious mind something so wonderful and wonderful. Forgetting that all miracles should be well prepared. When the Lord said, “Let there be light!”, The wires were already connected. In the subconscious, there is nothing that was not previously in the mind. What you can do consciously, you can also successfully (and many times faster) do subconsciously. But the subconscious mind works 24 hours a day - at full capacity and without lunch breaks.

    Therefore, if you want to live successfully and beautifully, and not constantly crawl to life, then first develop abilities, and then transfer these abilities to the subconscious. How to do this, we will learn a little later, but for now we will confirm the alphabetical rules for working with the subconscious:
      1. No dummy words! Use only clear words.
      2. Do not cope on your own, ask for help from the subconscious. In case of overload, take a break and set your subconscious mind to achieve the goal.

    In a friendly team of managers of our body, one of the participants is Subconscious. It performs a number of functions.

    At first: Subconscious  "Runs" to the internal warehouse to the reserves of the data accumulated there, brings from there and palms our Mind the necessary information at the time of decision-making.  It is, in accordance with its own logic, concentrates our attention on some facts and does not notice others.

    For example, if you experienced a lot of stress a couple of times when parting with a loved one, then there is an understanding that love is bad, it is life threatening. And when you meet the next candidate for love, the Subconscious mind focuses on his uncleaned shoes, or on his unpleasant smell, or something else that is just as terrible. Therefore, you seem to make your own decision - this is not the option that you need. Not your soul mate. Need to look further. And so once in a while the Subconsciousness organizes your lack of new love.

    It is difficult for us to identify those moments in our behavior when we are under the direct control of the Subconscious. They happen, but very briefly. For example, this may be the moment when we find the solution we need with the help of intuition, and then the Mind comes into play, which implements the hint of the Subconscious. Or, for example, we don’t want to do any business, and we suddenly become ill. Hooray, you can, with a clear conscience, give up what you don’t want to do! Has this disease accidentally occurred? Of course not, it was organized for us by our Subconscious - so that we would not be nervous. That is, it actively affects our body and the many events of our lives, but implicitly. Nevertheless, the influence of the Subconscious is very great.

    The second function of the Subconscious.

    The second function of the Subconscious is the performance of attitudes obtained as a result of the accumulation of personal experience or copied from parents and other significant people during the upbringing. Whether we like it or not, we often work out these unconscious rules as biorobots.

    The subconscious mind does not bring all the information. Here we note that the Subconscious will not bring us from the “warehouse” what we request. And the fact that it considers it necessary for us to bring. Moreover, it will not take this decision on its own, but will be guided by us given to it by the team (installation) !!!

    Here, it seems worth making the following assumption. Since we revealed earlier that absolutely all information from the sensory organs falls into our “internal warehouse”, then, most likely, it does not directly come to the Mind itself. And it comes already from our "internal warehouse", fresh, just recorded.

    Many facts can be cited in support of this version. For example, each of you was clearly confronted with a situation where you were looking for some missing thing, and as if “not seeing” it. And later, after an internal appeal for help to the house, or after performing some other actions, you suddenly “saw” her. Although before many times looked at the same place and did not see.

    How can this happen? Everything is well explained if information comes to our Mind only from a “warehouse”, and for some reason our Subconscious has filtered it. And then she decided to stop filtering, and we suddenly found a lost thing. This process can be displayed as a picture, where the light flux from an external object in the pupil of the human eye is translated into a series of information signals that are immediately fed to our “data warehouse”. And the Subconscious mind takes this data from there and transfers it to the Mind.

    If the Reason is busy with something (a person thinks hard something), then new signals remain unclaimed to them. But they still get to the “internal warehouse”, and can be extracted from there using special techniques such as hypnosis. You obviously had situations when your head was busy thinking about something, you were focused and did not hear external signals. Other people could contact you, but you did not hear them! What then they were offended. Or thought you were ignoring them. Although you did not think about them at all at this moment, your Mind was busy “digesting” some idea and could not respond to external appeals. “There wasn’t enough RAM,” as computer scientists would say.

    Can the assumption about the ability of the Subconscious to filter information and issue it in parts be useful to us somehow? Most likely, yes, if we learn to put in ourselves such settings that will include some kind of “filters”, and we will stop “seeing” what we do not want to see.

    For example, the husband does not like to see curlers on the head of his wife; they destroy her image of the unearthly Goddess that exists in his imagination. Do Goddesses Wear Curlers? In order to preserve the image of his beloved for a longer time, he gives himself the setting: “I do not see curlers on my wife’s head.” And all, the wife is always beautiful, no matter what is on her head. Is it a bad opportunity to maintain his enthusiasm for years to come? I must admit that some wise husbands and wives have already learned to include such “filters” in order not to see what they do not like. But they did it by accident or intuitively. And we want to translate this into a conscious and controlled process.

    PU is a positive attitude.

    If we return to the above example with a girl who is looking for love, but in her Subconscious mind there is a powerful negative attitude “I do not want to fall in love with anyone”, we get another filter. This filter will pass into the Reason only the information that will work on the implementation of the inherent negative installation. That is, information about the shortcomings of a potential elect. And information about its merits will be filtered out and will not go into Reason.

    It turns out that the Subconscious Mind can either skip or not skip some information into the Mind. As we command, it will do so. He has no opinion. It is a kind of mind-serving personnel. Although very skilled. But most people have problems with the Mind, they themselves do not know what kind of attitudes they have put in themselves. As a result, they rush around in life and look for someone who would advise or correct something to them, since the Subconscious mind regularly fulfills their more than strange set of internal orders.

    We are the Papuans to whom God gave the supercomputer. And now he is waiting when they learn to use it. God grant him patience ...

    Further information will be useful to everyone who has a more or less developed logical thinking and believes that at least something of this life depends on himself. And not only from God, fate, luck and other incomprehensible words. How quickly you learn to be your own master is up to you. Our Subconscious is a very powerful tool for influencing and transforming the world, and to abandon it and its help is more than a strange decision. To really learn how to use your hidden opportunities you need to practice regularly. You have every right to do nothing and not to develop. It will be your choice.

    When speaking with your own Subconscious, follow some simple rules.

    • Avoid the negative "no" particle.
      When giving commands to your subconscious mind, try to be affirmative, not negative. For example, say to yourself: "I am recovering / getting rich / getting smarter" instead of "I'm not sick / not poor / not stupid." The fact is that   the subconscious mind does not perceive the negative particle “not”, and your team will be accepted and launched exactly the opposite. That is, a person who repeats to himself: “I am not sick, I am not sick, I am not sick” actually orders the body: “I am sick, I am sick, I am sick.” The probability for such a person to get sick is very high. This is why it is so hard for many people to quit smoking. They order themselves: “I do not smoke, I quit smoking”, etc. From these words, an image of a cigarette instantly arises in the head. We involuntarily remember what we are trying so hard to forget. It would be more correct to say to yourself: “I lead a healthy lifestyle” and at the same time visualize myself in the morning on a run or in the pool, drinking freshly squeezed juice.
    • Talk about yourself in the present tense.
        The subconscious mind best perceives orders formulated in the present tense. Tell yourself: “I am getting better every second” instead of “I will be beautiful and healthy” or “I am getting rich every second, I am a successful and wealthy person” instead of “I will get rich, I will have a lot of money and a brilliant career”, etc. . As soon as you told yourself this, consider that you activated the corresponding process in your brain, and the subconscious mind began to send the necessary signals to your body.
      • Avoid ambiguity and ambiguity.
          The Russian language is insidious in that there are quite a lot of ambiguous words in it that can be perceived by your subconscious not in the way you would like to. For example, wanting to defeat a cold as soon as possible, you give the subconscious command: "I am recovering quickly." But the subconscious mind interprets your team in its own way, and instead of the long-awaited recovery, you begin to gain weight. There can be many such examples. Try to formulate your command to the subconscious as specific as possible, more precisely, more clearly.  Then it will be performed at the proper level.

    • Do not mess with the subconscious.
        If you have a good sense of humor, that's fine. But alas, our subconscious mind doesn't understand jokes. The subconscious mind is arranged in such a way that it perceives any information literally. So your witticisms like “I wish I hadn’t be such a ruin” will be understood literally and will not work or work not in the best way.

    According to the materials of the books by Alexander Sviyash "Open Subconscious" and Eva Berger "NLP for every day. 20 rules of the winner"

    Four steps to a new reality

    Speech by Alexander Sviyash at the conference "Disclosure of Secrets 2.0"