How to care for oily hair at home. Caring for oily hair at home. Caring for oily hair should consist of three main stages

You won't envy those with oily hair. In fact, such curls are healthier and more vital than dry ones: sebum reliably protects against harmful environmental influences. But if there is too much of it, the pores become clogged and the hair follicles begin to lack nutrients. Even if this does not happen, the appearance of oily strands just a few hours after washing already leaves much to be desired: they quickly lose volume, cake and acquire an unhealthy shine.

Proper and regular care for oily hair will help neutralize the problem. But be prepared for the fact that you won’t be able to get rid of excess sebum once and for all.

People who do not suffer too much from problems with their hair most often limit themselves to the only way to care for it - washing. At the same time, few people think about the composition of shampoo. The head is washed as it gets dirty, that is, more often than it should: in the process, shampoo and water remove the protective layer of oil from the surface of the hair, and the glands located in the upper layer of the epidermis begin to work even more intensely. To break this “vicious circle”, you need:

  • choose a suitable shampoo (“for oily hair”, “for oily colored hair” or “for hair that is oily at the roots and dry at the ends”). The composition should not contain silicones and other weighting additives, as well as aggressive components. Natural additives are welcome: extracts of horsetail, oak bark, mint, nettle, sage, birch; essential oils, cosmetic clay, tar, vitamins;
  • “train” the sebaceous glands to function less intensively. To do this, you need to gradually reduce the frequency of washing your hair to at least 3 times a week. To disguise an unkempt hairstyle during this period, you can use scarves, bandanas and other light headwear that do not fit too tightly to the head. Within a few weeks, the skin will adapt to the new conditions, and the hair will no longer get dirty as quickly as before;
  • wash your hair in the morning, since the process of fat formation mainly occurs at night. For the same reason, it is necessary to change your pillowcase as often as possible;
  • use warm (about 30°C) water for washing, since hot water stimulates the production of skin secretions, irritates and dries the skin;
  • soap your hair twice or thrice;
  • use only a light and natural balm for oily hair, and do not apply it to the roots;
  • If possible, rinse your hair with cool water and vinegar or lemon juice. This procedure cannot damage oily hair, unlike dry hair;
  • Do not overuse scalp peels and dry shampoos.

Combing, drying and styling

Hair itself cannot be oily. The sebaceous secretion is produced by the pores of the skin and distributed throughout the strands during combing. So we can conclude: the less you touch oily skin and hair, the better. Of course, you can’t do without combing completely, but it should be moderate and neat. You should comb the ends first, and then the roots, using a wooden comb. You should avoid iron and plastic accessories, as they contribute to the generation of static electricity. By the way, shortly before the next washing procedure, it is useful to “aromatically comb” oily hair for 10–15 minutes, after applying a few drops of essential oil (bergamot, lemon, eucalyptus or fir) to the comb.

Let us once again draw your attention to the fact that the scalp is very sensitive to temperature effects. Hot air or water stimulate blood circulation and speed up metabolic processes, which is undesirable if you have high fat content. For this reason, it makes sense to avoid using a hair dryer. If this is not possible, use a diffuser nozzle and set the air flow temperature as low as possible.

For styling, choose light, gentle products, if possible without oils and alcohol. It is better to give preference to foams, fluids, serums and abandon varnishes and gels. Pay special attention to giving your hair volume at the roots. When it comes to styling tools, swap out your flat iron and curling iron for good old fashioned curlers. Of course, if necessary, you can always protect your curls with heat protectants, but remember that excess “chemicals” on the surface of your hair will cause rapid contamination.

Features of hairstyles

It has been noticed that straight, greasy hair (no matter long or short) looks worst. Therefore, if increased fat content causes serious inconvenience, it makes sense to think about a perm. It not only helps maintain volume for several days, but also helps dry out the roots. True, this measure, as a rule, does not save you from dandruff.

There is another, not so radical way out: a creative haircut that visually increases the volume of the hair. The effect can be achieved using asymmetry and cascades.

If neither one nor the other suits you, wear your hair loose. This is the best way to disguise oily roots. In addition, under such conditions, the strands get dirty more slowly, since they come into less contact with the skin and with each other. On the contrary, tight braids, hairstyles with pins, elastic bands and other “decorations” by constantly irritating the scalp only aggravate the problem and draw attention to it.


Sometimes increased fat content can be a consequence of endocrine diseases or hormonal changes. In this case, the problem disappears by itself when the hormonal levels return to normal.

But more often, intense secretion of skin secretions is explained by a hereditary predisposition and is aggravated by an unhealthy lifestyle.

In order for the scalp to return to normal, the following measures are necessary:

  • adherence to a diet (refusal of fast food, carbonated drinks, alcohol, coffee, salty, starchy, spicy, sweet, fatty foods). The diet should be balanced and include fresh vegetables, nuts, cereals, meat and dairy products;
  • compliance with the drinking regime, since without the proper amount of water normal fat metabolism in the body is impossible. You should drink at least 2 liters of water every day (not counting other drinks). It may be mineral, but without gas. It is recommended to reduce the consumption of sweet juices, or better yet, eliminate them altogether;
  • regular, but not too frequent (2 – 3 times a week) washing with high-quality shampoo;
  • gentle styling;
  • the use of masks based on light oils, clay, henna or tar;
  • using homemade herbal rinses;
  • protecting hair from the sun, hot steam, salt water, heat and dust using hats or special products. Hats and caps should not be too tight or stuffy to avoid the “bath effect”.

Additional care products

  • Twice a week before washing, it is recommended to rub light oils (argan, coconut, grape seed or sesame, or better yet, a mixture of them) into the hair roots. You can add a couple of drops of essential oils (cedarwood, bergamot, lemon, tea tree, etc.) to them. The composition should be left on the hair for 10 - 15 minutes, and then rinsed off as usual.
  • If you think that even the most delicate oil is not good for your curls, stop at one of the folk remedies. Try a clay mask (2 tablespoons of clay powder + 1 tablespoon of tea leaves or apple cider vinegar), an egg and kefir mask (1 beaten egg white + 2 tablespoons of kefir) or a rye compress (dark bread crumb soaked in hot water) . One of these potions is applied to the roots of the hair 20 to 60 minutes before washing, after which a shower cap is put on. The procedure is repeated 1 – 2 times a week for 1 – 1.5 months.
  • After each wash, it is useful to rinse your hair with decoctions of plants that have an astringent effect (for example, oak bark), or a solution of apple cider vinegar / lemon juice (1 - 2 tablespoons per 1 liter of water).

Masks, rinses and shampoos with balms need to be changed from time to time so that the curls and skin do not get used to them.

However, not always and not everyone can easily keep them fresh and clean for several days. Very often, girls and women have to deal with the problem of quickly oily hair, which looks untidy just a few hours after washing. How should you care for oily hair so that it stays clean and healthy for as long as possible?

Cause of oily hair

The main reason for the phenomenon of increased oily hair is excessive secretion of fat by the sebaceous glands, which are connected to the follicles of the scalp. The high activity of these glands can be caused by an excess of hormones in the body, so very often teenagers who are in the so-called transitional age face the problem of increased fat content. How to properly care for oily hair and how to properly wash it in this case, you can find out from a dermatologist or cosmetologist.

If such a problem occurs in an older person, and suddenly, you should urgently contact a dermatologist or trichologist, who will prescribe an examination and tests, and based on their results, he will help determine the cause of excessive fat content.

The main reasons for this phenomenon may be:

  • hormonal imbalances caused by dysfunction of the thyroid, pancreas or adrenal glands;
  • disruptions in the functioning of the nervous system;
  • the presence of diseases of the digestive system;
  • the presence of various infections in the body.

In addition, increased secretion of the sebaceous glands is quite often a family trait, so heredity is one of the reasons for this phenomenon.

In most cases, people provoke the acceleration of sebum secretion independently through their actions and lifestyle. The following factors can provoke increased fat secretion:

  • frequent and very intensive use of hair and other devices - hot air, metal and ceramics when drying hair negatively affect their condition and the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  • incorrect, very frequent use of shampoos, conditioners and other cosmetics;
  • too frequent, intense scratching - this massages the skin, stimulates the sebaceous glands and leads to the spreading of fat over the strands;
  • wearing (frequently and for a long time), especially indoors, provokes abundant secretion of fat due to the obstruction of normal breathing of the scalp;
  • use very hot water for washing and rinsing.

It is very important that home care for oily hair is correct and comprehensive. Therefore, every woman should know exactly how to wash her hair and what products to use.

How to properly care for oily hair and how to wash it

Unfortunately, most women are completely confident that they can remove oily shine from their hair with frequent washing. However, this is far from the case, and frequent showers only worsen the situation. Frequent washing with hard water and aggressive detergents further disrupts the protective functions of the scalp and destroys the hydrolipidic film. This leads to a lack of moisture, which is compensated by an increase in the intensity of the sebaceous glands.

How to properly care for oily hair?

For care to be correct and effective, it must consist of three mandatory stages:

  • gentle but thorough cleansing with individually selected shampoos;
  • intensive moisturizing with balms and rinses;
  • the use of additional measures and means (conditioners, balms, fluids).

Complete home care for oily hair should be commensurate with the trials that they have to endure every day: straightening with an iron, drying with a hot hairdryer, curling with a curling iron, lightening or monthly dyeing, chlorinated water, etc. In order for it to be so, it is necessary to care for your hair regularly and using the right tools.

When choosing products for high-quality care for oily and oil-prone hair, you need to remember one basic rule: the softer the base of the detergent, the better it will feel. The thing is that frequent washing itself upsets the balance of the scalp, and if aggressive products are also used, this will force the glands to activate and increase oil production. Thus, a “vicious circle” is formed - the hair quickly becomes oily, you have to wash it more often, which increases the production of sebum, and the washing is repeated again.

Proper and regular care for oily hair involves proper care. It is best to wash your hair with warm water that is no more than 3 degrees higher than body temperature. You need to apply shampoo to your head twice, diluting it a little with water and foaming it in your palms. It is advisable to reduce the number of procedures to 2 per week, i.e. wash your hair once every 2-3 days.

The right shampoo should not contain oils, fats, parabens and SLS. In addition, the product should not dry out the scalp, otherwise the secretion of oil will only increase. The shampoo should contain a maximum of natural substances and wash away fat well.

Any masks and balms should be applied only to the hair, retreating 2-3 centimeters from the skin. You need to keep the products on your head exactly as long as written in the instructions. After this time, you need to wash off the mask or balm, first with warm water and then with cool water.

How to care for oily, thin hair: folk recipes

Folk remedies are widely used to care for and treat oily hair. So, an egg mask will be an excellent remedy against increased fat content. To prepare it you will need one egg yolk, 1/2 teaspoon of lemon juice or cognac. Apply the mixture to the scalp with massage movements and rub in for 10 minutes.

You can dry the scalp a little using a rye bread mask. Freshly prepared gruel of bread and warm water should be applied to the scalp and left for 30 minutes. Then rinse the strands with warm water and rinse with cool water.

For regular care of oily and oily hair, folk recipes offer many decoctions and infusions that can improve their condition and reduce the interval between washing them. Experts recommend using oak bark decoction as a rinse for oily hair. To prepare it you will need 1.5 liters of water and 2 tablespoons of dry oak bark. The mixture must be brought to a boil, boiled for 5-7 minutes and left for 30 minutes. Use warm 2 times a week.

You can alternate rinsing with oak decoction with infusions and decoctions prepared from hop cones, nettle leaves, horsetail, coltsfoot grass, burdock root, chamomile and calamus root.

However, it is not enough to know how to care for oily, thin hair; in addition, you also need to review your menu, exclude fatty foods and fast food from it. It will not be superfluous, which will help hide the problem and make the hair more attractive.

In general, oily hair is very difficult to care for. On a woman’s head, oily hair does not look very beautiful; sometimes it sticks together into greasy strands, and dirt, sweat and grease accumulate in them. The biggest problem for those with oily hair is that their sebaceous glands are very active and therefore difficult to treat. You need to remember a few rules and follow them.

To reduce oily scalp, make tinctures and rub them into the scalp. They need to be used every other day for a month. You can also use ready-made calendula tincture. There is one old recipe: take 3 tablespoons of green spruce, fir and pine needles, pour a liter of boiling water over them and boil for 20 minutes, then strain.

If you have oily hair, you need to follow these guidelines. To nourish your hair, you need to use herbal rinses and make compresses.

Compresses for oily hair.

1. Finely chop mint leaves and grind them with rowan berries, leave the mixture on your hair for 30 minutes, then rinse your hair.
2. Grind plantain or dandelion leaves to make a paste and rub it into your scalp. After 30 minutes, rinse with warm water.

It would be even more useful to lubricate your hair with curdled milk or kefir before washing, tie your head with a towel and hold the compress for 15-20 minutes, then rinse the compress with water with added shampoo and rinse with acidified water with the addition of vinegar. To reduce the greasiness of the hair, you need to rub in the tinctures every other day for a month.

Rules for reducing oily hair.

1. Use shampoos that add volume to your hair.
2. Eliminate spicy, sweet and fatty foods from your diet. Consume more dairy products, eat plenty of fruits and vegetables.
3. Do not straighten your hair with your hands often.
4. Drink at least 6-8 glasses of water a day.
5. Try not to comb your hair with a brush, because... it spreads oil from the skin through the hair.
6. Massage your hair frequently before going to bed.

Wash your hair as it becomes dirty, but not with hot, but with warm water. Before washing your hair, it is useful to rub yogurt or kefir into the scalp, but to treat oily hair, use infusions of medicinal herbs or decoctions.

Infusions of decoctions of medicinal herbs for the treatment of oily hair.

Infusion of birch buds or leaves.
Take birch buds or leaves in a ratio of 1:10, add hot water and rinse your hair with this infusion 2-3 times a week for a month, and then take a break for three weeks.

Infusion of chamomile flowers.
Take chamomile flowers and pour boiling water over them in a ratio of 1:10, then rinse your hair with this infusion 2-3 times a week; you need to use this infusion within 3 weeks.

Infusion of bitter wormwood.
Prepare an infusion of wormwood in a ratio of 1:10 and rinse your hair with it every other day for a month, then take a break for 2 weeks and repeat again.

Lemon juice infusion.
Rub your scalp with pure lemon juice (freshly squeezed or a slice of lemon) 2-3 times a week.

Aloe tincture.
Cut off the lower leaves of aloe, squeeze the juice out of them, add 20% alcohol. Store the tincture in the refrigerator and rub it into the parting of your head every other day for three months.

To reduce scalp oiliness, make tinctures to rub into the scalp. These procedures should be applied every other day for a month; you can use ready-made calendula tincture. Use an old recipe: to do this, take 3 tablespoons of green pine, fir or spruce needles and pour a liter of boiling water over them, boil for 20 minutes, and then strain. Use the decoction to rub into the scalp, mixed with alcohol or in pure form. You can also use fir oil, but you need to dilute it with 1:2 alcohol.

If you are not allergic to mustard, then use the following recipe to wash your hair: dilute 1 tablespoon of mustard in 1 liter of warm water, rinse your hair with this infusion several times.

Rinse oily hair to strengthen it.

1. Take 2 tablespoons of herbs: oak bark, peppermint, horsetail and pour 1 liter of boiling water, let it steep, after 40 minutes, strain the infusion and rinse your head with it.

2. Take 1 tablespoon of chopped tansy stems and flowers, add 400 ml of boiling water, leave for 2 hours, and then strain. You can rinse your hair with this infusion, as well as wash your hair without shampoo.

Masks for oily hair.

Green onion mask.
To reduce the greasiness of hair and fight dandruff, take 100 grams of green onions, chop and grind it until the juice appears, add 25 grams of alcohol and apply this whole mixture to your hair. After an hour, rinse with water.

Mask with garlic, honey and aloe.
Before washing, smear the scalp with the mixture; to prepare it, we need 1 teaspoon each of honey, lemon juice and aloe juice, 1 grated clove of garlic and 1 yolk.

Yolk mask.
Mix 1 raw yolk with 1 teaspoon of alcohol and water. Rub this mixture into your scalp for 10 minutes and then rinse with water.

Black bread mask.
Pour 150 grams of black bread with a small amount of boiling water. When the infusion has cooled, rub the mixture into the scalp, tie it with cellophane and wrap it in a towel, hold for 30 minutes and rinse with warm water.

Blueberry mask.
Grind 300 grams of blueberries with a mixer, pour a glass of boiling water, when the mixture has cooled, apply the mask to your head, cover it with plastic wrap and wrap it with a towel. After half an hour, wash your hair.

When it comes to dealing with oily hair, follow these tips.
1. Wash your hair often, preferably daily.
2. For your oily hair, use special shampoos.
3. Make sure that there is no shampoo left on your head after washing your hair.
4. Avoid hair conditioners altogether.

Rinse dark hair with water and vinegar (1 tablespoon of vinegar per liter of water), rinse light hair with chamomile infusion (2 tablespoons per two liters of water) with the addition of citric acid.

If you have oily hair, then eat less smoked meats, fatty foods, alcohol, coffee and eat less sweets. There is no need to eat salty and spicy foods, canned food, or spices. Try to go for walks more, play sports, and your hair will definitely become beautiful.

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Oily hair type is probably the most troublesome because it appears very unaesthetic in appearance - constantly oily hair roots make the hairstyle unkempt. Such a cosmetic defect can be corrected, but only with a competent approach to the issue. The fact is that excessive sebum secretion is caused by improper functioning of the sebaceous glands. These glands are located in the upper layer of the epidermis of the head and are designed to secrete a protective lubricant for the hair - sebum protects the hair from dryness and brittleness, and the skin from dandruff. Disruption of the normal functioning of the glands leads to rapid contamination of the strands, which become greasy within a day after washing. What can be done in this situation?

Causes of oily hair

There are a lot of reasons that provoke excessive oily hair, so a non-specialist can simply get lost in the abundance of information. This layer of information is studied in detail by trichology, while for the average person the main groups of reasons can be distinguished:

How to properly care for oily hair?

Proper care for oily hair is no less important than treatment, so you should follow the rules below:

Compliance with the listed rules at home is an important part of any treatment, since it will allow you not to worsen the situation and successfully start using medicinal masks, including home-made ones.

Homemade recipes for oily hair

A course of masks from the category of folk remedies is quite capable of normalizing the functioning of the sebaceous glands, and reducing the production of sebum will improve the appearance of the strands. What might be needed for a course of treatment with homemade masks and is it difficult to make them? The ingredients for such mixtures are natural products, herbs and, oddly enough, both basic and essential oils. As for complexity, it is enough to process and connect the components according to the given recipes.

Rinse with herbs

To prepare the rinse liquid, you need to prepare an infusion of 2 tbsp. vegetable raw materials and 1 cup of boiling water. When the water has cooled, the liquid can be filtered and the resulting infusion can be used after washing your hair. To prepare folk remedies, you can use chamomile, aloe, horsetail, rosemary, oak bark, St. John's wort, green tea, rowan, linden, mint, burdock root and other well-known medicinal herbs - all of them perfectly regulate the production of lard.

Clay (mineral) masks

To prepare mineral maca, you need to mix the herbal infusion with natural clay with a drying effect, for example, green. The decoction and clay powder are taken in equal proportions and mixed thoroughly. Apply the finished mixture to dirty hair, rub into the scalp and distribute along the entire length of the strands. The exposure time of this product is 15-45 minutes. This mask can be done before each hair wash to reduce oily skin and hair, and clay is an excellent absorbent.

Salt scrub

This procedure will allow you to efficiently remove sebum and dust from the scalp - within a few minutes, salt grains must be rubbed into the scalp and massaged into the epidermis. In addition to high-quality cleansing, this procedure stimulates blood microcirculation, so that the result of treatment will be healthy, strong strands.

Everyone knows that any woman, regardless of age, wants to look good. And well-groomed hair is an essential component of looking beautiful and desirable. But what to do if no matter how much you take care of it, no matter how much you change various care products, and by the end of the first day your hair is already hanging in icicles again, as if it were wet or unwashed for several days? But this problem is very common in people with oily hair. How to resolve it, and what is the reason for this?

There are several different reasons why hair becomes oily prematurely: stress, illness, taking antibiotics, changing seasons, poor diet or care, diseases of the thyroid gland or nervous system. From the above it is clear that the problem of oily hair is not always associated with genetics, so let's look at recommendations on how to improve the overall condition of your hair and keep it fresh for as long as possible.

First of all, you should normalize your rhythm of life: eat right, sleep enough time, walk in the fresh air as often as possible and do not forget about playing sports. If you follow these recommendations, you can improve your health and improve the overall condition of your body.

If your hair is too oily, you may need to be examined by an endocrinologist. If the internal glands fail, the person’s appearance, in particular the hair, is the first to suffer.

It can also be caused by a shampoo that is incorrectly selected for your hair type. If it dries out the scalp too much, the sebaceous glands are activated to moisturize the skin and hair roots, so the hair itself gets dirty faster. In addition, you need to choose a shampoo of a light shade, preferably transparent.

It is the observance of this condition that indicates that it contains the smallest amount of additives that can accumulate and cause rapid oily hair. Also, the shampoo must gently cleanse the hair and not cause irritation to the skin. It is best if you choose shampoos not only for your hair type, but also with medicinal properties. But you need to take into account that the hair gets used to the products, so it is advisable to change the shampoo every few months. If you wash your hair every day, then you need to change the product once a month. The longer you use the same shampoo, the less effect it will have.

If we have already more or less figured out shampoo, then let's talk about proper hair washing. When to wash your hair, you decide, but we will tell you how to do it correctly. The first condition is to wash your hair with exclusively warm and, if possible, soft water. In no case should you use it hot, since it is precisely because of the high temperature that the sebaceous glands begin to work more actively again. Oily hair must be washed with special products for this hair type. And you need to wash them twice. The first time you wash off the dirt and grease, but after washing your hair the second time, do not rush to immediately rinse off the shampoo. It is better to leave it for a minute or two for the active particles to take effect. And only after that, thoroughly rinse the product from your hair, gently massaging your scalp.

If you cannot detangle and comb your hair after washing without using conditioner, then apply it carefully, strictly on your hair, retreating up to five centimeters from the scalp, trying not to get the product on it. It will also be useful to rinse your hair with special herbal decoctions. Here is the recipe for one of them: take a tablespoon each of oak bark, yarrow and St. John's wort. One tablespoon of this mixture is steamed in one liter of boiling water and left for an hour or two.

You can safely rinse your hair with this infusion after washing, but you need to take into account that it slightly dries out the ends (so you can’t do without a balm before this) and gives your hair a light chestnut tint. Therefore, blondes should take chamomile instead of oak bark.

In addition to external care, you also need to pay closer attention to your diet. By eating fatty foods, you thereby contribute to the active production of secretions by the sebaceous glands under the skin.
We hope that these tips will improve the condition of your hair, and your overall well-being.