Maya Cosmic Theurgy. Initiations into the channels. Maya Cosmic Theurgy Acquaintance Dedication to the Mayan Cosmic Theurgy Master


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   On the horizon of healing, a new superpowerful constellation was born - Cosmic Theurgy "MAYA". It burst rapidly and confidently, and forced to talk about itself with a barrage of stunning results from the impact of its super-efficient channels.

Cosmic Theurgy "MAYA" is not only a galaxy of new channels, it is a whole innovative technique, where the channels work in a completely different way than all the techniques previously known. This creativity is not so much KEN operators as the Creator himself.

Methods sent by soul envoys of Higher Civilizations:

In the early seventies - it was Reiki,

In the early 80s - Farun Buddha,

In the 90s - Digital Cosmoenergy and Energocosmology,

In the 2000s - Sacred Cosmology,

And after 2005 - Cosmic Theurgy MAYA. And every time the techniques came from different parts of the universe.

REIKI came from the constellation Taurus, Farun Buddha - from the constellation Pisces, Energy Cosmology - from the constellation Andromeda, Digital Cosmoenergy - from the constellation Virgo, Sacred Cosmology - from the center of our Galaxy, the constellation Sagittarius, Cosmic Theurgy MAYA - from the constellation Big Bear.

Channels of the XXI century - the era of Aquarius - the most powerful wave impulses of creative energy.

First came the channels of the Farun Buddha of zero level, since they were trial ones. Then came the first level Diphysic technique. Megaphysical energy cosmology has risen to the second stage. And Sacred Cosmology raised us to the third level of CES.

   Theurgy "MAYA" is channels of a higher 4 level, it is an evolutionary continuation of Sacred Cosmology.

Firstly, the power of these channels is 5-10 times higher than all channels of hitherto known techniques. The Maya Theurgy channel matrix is \u200b\u200bseen as a huge light tube coming from space to Earth. And along this pipe, like trains in the subway, beams of light energies of different colors sweep through. In the tube itself, a constant dazzling white glow and a buzz, similar to the sound of DNA in wave genetics. The bundles go in smooth streams and do not twist into a spiral.

Secondly, they are more reasonable than the current ones: you can open them to the patient, and they themselves find the problem in the patient’s body without dissipating valuable energy.

Thirdly, the channels penetrate into the deep layers of the human subconscious, which so far none of the known channels can do. But this penetration is not akin to coding or zombies, but the normalization of the psyche and the whole organism. Those. akin to the latest information technology for psychocorrection, but this correction is from the Almighty. MAYA channels can heal any disease. The kindness of the Almighty is unlimited - and in these channels there are powerful energies for easing karma, for forgiveness and forgiveness of sins, for raising a kind, for greatly improving all areas of existence (personal life, business, interpersonal relationships, spirituality) and even improving appearance and rejuvenation . All these are wave impulses from the Almighty, therefore they cannot do harm, and they are stupid to be afraid, it is better to love them, they are reasonable and respond to love.

Initiated into the channels of Sacred Cosmology and Cosmic Theurgy "MAYA" does not need to develop them, he can immediately begin to treat himself and others. The initiate is provided with practical developments for the healing of ailments and problems. You can study and dedicate in person or in absentia. This does not affect the quality of the channels. Initiates in absentia also achieve high healing results.

The technique includes over 70 energy channels transmitted by higher civilizations from the constellation Ursa Major. The Mayan Theurgy system consists of two basic channels: one channel with male energy, the other with female energy. The basic channels are universal in their focus: they cleanse, heal, protect and nourish. In addition to them, the system has a number of specialized channels of different directions: resolution of life situations, work with business, rejuvenation, gene directions and others. As well as channels that work on the treatment of various diseases. Mandatory initiation into 2 basic channels, the rest to choose from. These channels do not require operating time; they are 5-10 times stronger than any previously known energy. They can heal almost all diseases.

Mayan Divine Canals of Theurgy

   Master of Space Theurgy MAYA
   Master of Space Theurgy MAYA

The master of Cosmic Theurgy MAYA is a person who has all the channels. You can become a master by gradually gaining several channels, or you can become dedicated at once to all channels (in this case, the price is reduced several times).

   The Master of Cosmic Theurgy MAYA is considered a person. entitled to initiation into all channels and training.   You can initiate in the Masters, bypassing the Masters.

CFS catalog "MAYA Space Theurgy"

IN "golden" CFS series

Gold CFS (Koltsov plates) - catalog of proofreaders.

CFS №17 - "Renaissance" ("Golden Series")

The channel of Space Theurgy "MAYA" - BUURMOK is registered.

Designed to penetrate into the deeper layers of the subconscious, identify the root causes of the negative state of human health and destroy these negative programs. The channel, like a tornado, turns the deep layers of the subconscious outward, revealing all that is hidden in them: "There is nothing secret, no matter what becomes apparent."

CFS No. 18 - “Synchronization” (“Golden Series”)

The channel of Space Theurgy "MAYA" - KUVVA is registered.

Designed to cleanse chakras, meridians and subtle bodies from negative influences and targeted destructive programs: magic, witchcraft, and more, to synchronize, coordinate the work of all chakras.

CFS No. 19 - “Antitobacco” (“Golden Series”)

Space Channel Theurgy "MAYA" is registered - POLUT

Designed to cleanse the lungs of nicotine and a negative attachment to smoking. Tears off smokers from egregore, removes negative programs associated with the lungs. Cleans the lungs, bronchi, pleura from nicotine and removes toxins to the outside. Destroys diseased lung cells, stimulates healthy regeneration. It cleanses the blood, restores the true blood formula, the function of the spleen and liver. Saturates blood with oxygen. Restores lung function in its original form.

CFS №20 - “Purification” (“Golden Series”)

The channel of Space Theurgy "MAYA" - CHALAN is registered.

Designed for the destruction of astral beings in the subtle plane of people, on objects, clothing and in rooms. To burn out astral entities, CFS is strengthened by cosmic-energy channels of the solar spectrum: Perun, RA, AR, etc. The channels of the solar spectrum also contribute to physical healing, restoration of vitality and sexual energy. Discover historical, tribal, genetic memory. Activation programs for 12 DNA strands are launched. They remove inflammatory processes, destroy viruses, allow you to "negotiate" with cells and atoms. Restore the work of the vascular, sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. Restore the biofield.

CFS №21 - “Mirror of the Soul” (“Golden Series”)

The channels of Space Theurgy "MAYA" - TAN and CHAAL-TsIK are registered.

Intended for:
   To cut off all negative energy channels (bindings, energy hoses, harnesses) above the head, under the feet, left, right, front and back and mirror them back to sorcerers, magicians and all evil people (male and female);
   To protect against energy-information influences from any dark forces (cosmic, sectarian, kogdovskih, black magic, afterlife, otherworldly and so on). Seals "EVIL" and mirrors;
   To nourish (saturate, enlighten) the chakras, meridians, subtle bodies with powerful bright (positive) energies of the Universe.

CFS No. 23 - “Liberation” (“Golden Series”)

The channel of Space Theurgy "MAYA" - YACLELL is registered.

Designed to destroy any kind of negative energy bindings, conscious and unconscious vampirism, self-vampirism. Has the property of mirroring.

CFS No. 24 - "Insight" ("Golden Series")

The channel of Space Theurgy "MAYA" - SCHOPPOL is registered.

Designed to destroy zombies for love spell, lapel, alcohol, leaving the family and so on. Zombie is a process of introducing into a person’s consciousness the given emotional reactions and world outlook principles that completely determine his external activity and internal mental state. Zombie, in fact, means the destruction of the old personality and the introduction into the person of a ready-made template of all mental and emotional processes.

The space-energy channel "PERUN" - the solar channel, in the enlightenment mode is added. Perun, the spirit of the sun Ar, the sun god Ra, the solar spectrum is the formula of pure light. The channels of the solar spectrum also work to restore internal organs, stimulate the eyes, transform any electromagnetic radiation into health, and contribute to spiritual development and rejuvenation.

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Space theurgy "MAYA"As an evolutionary continuation of Sacred Cosmology, it is an innovative technique for restoring health, karma, personal life, business, interpersonal relationships, spirituality, and rejuvenation.

Channels Space Theurgy "MAYA"   appeared in space after 2005-2007. They belong to a higher level 4, they came from the constellations of Orion and Ursa Major, in terms of the force of influence they are 5-10 times more powerful than previously known cosmoenergetic channels and are aimed only at creation.

Translated from Greek "theurgy" - co-creation with God, "Maya" - an illusion.

The matrix of Theurgy channels "MAYA" can be represented as an endless light tube directed from Space to Earth. In the form of beams of light energies of different colors, streaming through this tube, we receive settings from the Creator. The main goal of such settings is to revive the spirituality of mankind in order to preserve our civilization and the Earth when changing eras.

All channels of Cosmic Theurgy "MAYA" work through consciousness.   No wonder they say: "Health is a mirror of consciousness." Channels work through the crown chakra and bring us into the golden energies of the Creator. This means that each user has a tremendous responsibility for their thought forms and actions.

Working with the channels of Cosmic Theurgy "MAYA", one must strive for righteousness (according to the VEDAM), which means living according to CONSCIENCE (with the message from WEST - the BOOK of LIFE or the silver-white channel of universal knowledge - THE POST OF KNOWLEDGE), i.e. with knowledge of the Laws of Cosmos or Commandments.

Psychosomatics and oriental healing practices directly say that the physical and mental health of a person, his success in various spheres of life depend on the inner feeling of harmony, high self-esteem, love for oneself and one's neighbors. On the contrary, indifference to one’s fate, pride, selfhood, envy, fears, greed, irritability, hatred, love of power generate destructive thought forms and behavior. The balance of energies in the body is violated and, according to the principle of “similar attracts like”, a person picks up damage, evil eye, magical influences, codes, settings and other virtual destruction programs. Some similar programs come from the Genus, some from previous lives (incarnations).

IN "golden" CFS series   the channels of Space Theurgy "MAYA", aimed at the disbandment of the underlying root causes of diseases, are prescribed.

IN CFS Golden Series   Dosed exposure at a time is provided. This means that you do not need to track the operation of the channel: when to open, when to close. Based on the principle: "Better less, but better." Channels are launched in 3 - 5 - 10 minutes, and are triggered individually - from several minutes to several hours, and sometimes even days. It all depends on the degree of problem the user has.

Channels are launched independently, it is enough to take the required CFS in your hands. No Gratitude Energy is required.

Everything CFS "golden"   adaptive series, adapt to a specific user.

CFS "golden"   series can be used in any usual way, they are perfectly combined with CFS   other series on the basis of matching pairs.

Maya Space Theurgy   - This is an excellent, powerful energy-information system, the energies of which came to us from the constellation Ursa Major.

I suggest you read about what an energy-information system is.

Channels Maya Space Theurgy   left to us by the Maya Indians. They have high efficiency and work according to a completely different scheme than for earlier methods, such as, for example, Reiki, Farun Buddha, or Digital Cosmoenergy.

There is a legend according to which Maya arrived on planet Earth more than 50,000 years ago from the constellation Ursa Major to help the inhabitants of the planet in the process of evolution. In this constellation (Ursa Major) is the Galactic Council of Elders, which controls our galaxy - the Milky Way.

The Mayans knew how to control energies and possessed sacred knowledge. The Mayans themselves disappeared without a trace, leaving behind themselves the structures and technologies that still remain a mystery to modern science.

And yet knowledge is returning, energy channels Maya Space Theurgy - This is part of the heritage of the ancient Mayan Indians.


  • The power of these channels is 5-10 times higher than the power of the channels of earlier methods (Reiki, Farun Buddha, Digital Cosmoenergy).
  • These channels are more reasonable: they themselves can find a problem in the patient’s body, and if there is no problem, then they simply do not start work.
  • Channels penetrate into the deep layers of the human subconscious and eliminate the causes of the disease, problems at the subconscious level.
  • The Mayan Theurgy channels can work with almost any problem.
  • If you want to possess all the channels of Theurgy of Maya, then this can be done in one dedication.
  • There are 2 basic universal channels in Theurgy: male and female energy. If you want to initiate into separate channels, then the basic ones are the first and obligatory channels into which you will have to devote. I personally recommend initiating into both basic channels at the same time, since I believe that together they work better, complementing each other. These channels can work across the entire spectrum of problems: they cleanse from almost any negative, remove negative karma, heal, energize, work for well-being, improve business, materialize desires, put protection, give luck, good luck.
  • Together with the basic channels, or after them, you can initiate into separate channels you like.
  • The next group of channels of Theurgy is the cleaning. There are separate channels that work specifically for aligning karma, destroying negative attachments, destroying negative energetic entities, working at a subconscious level with cause-effect relationships that cause problems. Together with the base channels, this group of channels provides even more powerful cleaning.
  • A large group of healing channels that work with almost all diseases of the organs, or systems of human organs. These channels also work together with the basic ones and give a more powerful healing effect.
  • A separate group of social channels that help solve the problems of financial and economic stagnation, working for well-being, abundance, luck, success, business improvement.
  • There are information channels designed to receive information from the subtle plane and develop abilities, such as clairvoyance, clairvoyance, clairaudience, access to the astral field of the Information space of the Universe.
  • In addition, Theurgy has a separate channel for the installation of powerful protection. There are channels for working with children and animals. A great channel for rejuvenation, body shaping, posture, facial features.
  • Maya Space Theurgy channels do not require operating time. You can start work immediately after initiation.
  • A training manual with a detailed description of the channels and detailed practical developments are provided in electronic form.
  • Channels   Maya Space Theurgyreasonable and reciprocate love!
  • You can study and devote both internally and remotely. This does not affect the quality of the channels.
  • After the initiation and initial training, I will always be happy to answer all your questions.
  • You can watch this one where I tell the visitor of the site about the possibilities and the process of distance learning.

Gennady "The deplorable" consequences of the use of the channel "Soopka" Maya Space Theurgy. Yes! The soul cries from an overabundance of feelings and joy after a session with the Soopka channel. I dare to assure the reader that the process of hair regeneration is extended over time. And so in order. The problem of hair loss has long bothered me because hormonal status decreased with age. Hair fell from his head like an autumn leaf fall. A bald spot and a rare forest were visible. You visualize all this. Well done. I was mentally prepared for this procedure a long time ago. During the session, I felt a slight energy wave pressure in my head. The procedure lasted a maximum of 10 minutes. Then he went about his usual business. Three days later, in the morning after sleep, I noticed on the pillow, the amount of hair completely decreased. About 3-4 hairs on the pillow. This is normal for a healthy person. Of course, I was delighted with this phenomenon. Two weeks later, his head was combed, as if lice were wound up. I thought that new hair is sneaking through the scalp. He did not particularly attach any importance to this. Two months later, I decided to look at my hair. Oh my God! Burst from the chest. Yes, there is a fig of new hair. And on the forehead a whole clearing of guns. Well and miracles! He thanked the channel and bowed his head in deference to my teachers and Maya Space Theurgy. I have faith and awareness of the reality of this nonsense. The experiments did not end there. Seeing my delight, my wife asked me to have a session with her head. The results exceeded all my expectations. We no longer have her long hair on the floor. The wife sincerely believed in the wonders of Maya Cosmic Theurgy. Prior to this, she was very doubtful and skeptical of esotericism. After attuning to the basic channels, the character became silk, and nervousness and bitchiness disappeared. The climax of all the sessions, made me recall my marital duties, which I had long forgotten about. As a result of self-sessions and activation of Theurgy energies, Maya acquired the most precious thing in the world - Happiness and confidence. Everything in me was younger and better. Friends! Those who read these lines can postpone their affairs and take care of their health specifically. It was not for nothing that it was noticed that hemorrhoids were not where it should be, but in the head. Work on yourself, friends! This is the only way to get rid of vital hemorrhoids. I wish everyone firmness of mind and intentions. Do not wait for momentary results. expectation is blocked by these energies. Let it go its natural way. Otherwise, there will be no results. demonstrate, show your results, tell patients more about your victories. Motivation itself will manifest itself in the patient. As actor A. Mironov said, "the client is ready." And by this I want to express my sincere gratitude to my teachers, Alexander and Lyubov Kand for the knowledge gained and to show evidence of guilt that They are guilty of my Happiness to live a full life again. Friends! And what could be better than Happiness. I can’t imagine! A review of the Mayan Space Theurgy channels on KTM. The deplorable consequences of the use of the channel "Soopka" KTM. Yes! The soul cries from an overabundance of feelings and joy after a session with the Soopka channel. I dare to assure the reader that the process of hair regeneration is extended over time. And so in order. The problem of hair loss has long bothered me because hormonal status decreased with age. Hair fell from his head like an autumn leaf fall. A bald spot and a rare forest were visible. You visualize all this. Well done. I was mentally prepared for this procedure a long time ago. During the session, I felt a slight energy wave pressure in my head. The procedure lasted a maximum of 10 minutes. Then he went about his usual business. Three days later, in the morning after sleep, I noticed on the pillow, the amount of hair completely decreased. About 3-4 hairs on the pillow. This is normal for a healthy person. Of course, I was delighted with this phenomenon. Two weeks later, his head was combed, as if lice were wound up. I thought that new hair is sneaking through the scalp. He did not particularly attach any importance to this. Two months later, I decided to look at my hair. Oh my God! Burst from the chest. Yes, there is a fig of new hair. And on the forehead a whole clearing of guns. Well and miracles! He thanked the channel and bowed his head in respect to my teachers and KTM. I have faith and awareness of the reality of this nonsense. The experiments did not end there. Seeing my delight, my wife asked me to have a session with her head. The results exceeded all my expectations. We no longer have her long hair on the floor. The wife sincerely believed in the wonders of KTM. Prior to this, she was very doubtful and skeptical of esotericism. After attuning to the basic channels, the character became silk, and nervousness and bitchiness disappeared. The climax of all the sessions, made me recall my marital duties, which I had long forgotten about. As a result of self-sessions and activation of energies, KTM acquired the most expensive thing in the world - Happiness and confidence. Everything in me was younger and better. Friends! Those who read these lines can postpone their affairs and take care of their health specifically. It was not for nothing that it was noticed that hemorrhoids were not where it should be, but in the head. Work on yourself, friends! This is the only way to get rid of vital hemorrhoids. I wish everyone firmness of mind and intentions. Do not wait for momentary results. expectation is blocked by these energies. Let it go its natural way. Otherwise, there will be no results. demonstrate, show your results, tell patients more about your victories. Motivation itself will manifest itself in the patient. As actor A. Mironov said, "the client is ready." And by this I want to express my sincere gratitude to my teachers, Alexander and Lyubov Kand for the knowledge gained and to show evidence of guilt that They are guilty of my Happiness to live a full life again. Friends! And what could be better than Happiness. I can’t imagine!

All existing developments in the field of healing: knowledge, techniques, etc. come to our world gradually, this process is practically independent of man, this is controlled by the Creator.

On the horizon of healing, a new superpowerful constellation was born - Cosmic Theurgy "MAYA". It burst rapidly and confidently, and forced to talk about itself with a barrage of stunning results from the impact of its super-efficient channels. Cosmic Theurgy "MAYA" is not only a galaxy of new channels, it is a whole innovative technique where the channels work in a completely different way than all the previously known techniques. This is the creativity of the Creator himself.

The sacred channels of Farun Buddha, Megaphysical cosmology - all these are the methods of the previous stages of development. Sacred Cosmoenergy allowed us to develop to the third stage. It was the turn of the fourth step, which only the Maya Cosmic Theurgy could lift us up to. This technique is a logical continuation, the evolution of Sacred Cosmology, however, it has channels of a higher level. Channels penetrate into the deeper layers of the human subconscious, which still can not do any of the known channels. But this penetration is not akin to coding or zombies, but the normalization of the psyche and the whole organism. Those. akin to the latest information technology for psychocorrection, but this correction is from the Almighty. MAYA channels can heal any disease. The kindness of the Almighty is unlimited - and in these channels there are powerful energies for easing karma, for forgiveness and forgiveness of sins, for raising a kind, for greatly improving all areas of existence (personal life, business, interpersonal relationships, spirituality) and even improving appearance and rejuvenation . All these are wave impulses from the Almighty, therefore they cannot do harm, and they are stupid to be afraid, it is better to love them, they are reasonable and respond to love.

The main advantages of Maya Space Theurgy:

  • up to 10 times more powerful channels, compared to any previously known;
  • channels are much more reasonable (they search for a problem in the body on their own, without excessive energy costs);
  • channels penetrate even the deepest layers of the human subconscious, the consequence of this is the rapid normalization of the work of the whole organism and mental state;

The most powerful energy of the channels can be directed to a wide variety of purposes:

  • healing a great many ailments;
  • change of karma in the direction of its clarification and relief;
  • a significant increase in material well-being;
  • full forgiveness of some sins;
  • the rebirth of his kin;
  • dizzying improvement in all areas of life (material well-being, personal life, spirituality);
  • strong rejuvenation of the appearance and internal state of the body.

It is important to know that these wave impulses are absolutely harmless for both the practitioner and everyone around, because they come from the Almighty and are filled with the creative energy of His love.

After the release of CFS gold (orange series), helping us to effectively communicate with the Maya Space Theurgy and Sacred Cosmology channels, anyone can immediately begin to heal and restore not only themselves, but also others. Each user with a golden series of CFS is given the opportunity to be in contact with these channels, solve their problems and not resort to the help of intermediaries. Contact with these channels protects us from any outside influences. And the one who acted will not seem enough. The main thing to note is the spiritual growth and evolution of the personality is always accompanied by a breakdown of old beliefs and stereotypes. This period is always difficult, but overcoming difficulties will certainly succeed. Everyone who has chosen the only true Path of Truth must remember the mandatory requirements for themselves:

  • it is necessary to observe the absolute purity of thoughts and, therefore, actions;
  • stop being a victim of illusions and constantly struggle with them;
  • remember the enormous responsibility that everyone bears for the knowledge and their application.