The right commands for the subconscious. How words passwords for the subconscious mind change our reality. This is it - a magical theta state in which you can change your reality

American psychologist William James said: "In your subconscious mind lies a force that can turn the world around." No more and no less. Therefore, the most important of the arts for us is not cinema at all, as the UMP (leader of the world proletariat) once claimed, but the ability to come to terms with ... himself.

Tame your subconscious and take possession of it by force. Start right now by saying to yourself, “I always have luck” - even if the black line in your life seems endless. Believe me, the game is worth the candle.

Have you ever wondered why fate (God, providence, fortune) is so selective? Why is everything given to some - happiness, success, wealth, and to others - a donut hole, three crusts of bread and a glass of environmentally dirty water from a rusty tap? .. From childhood, we were told that a person is the smith of his own happiness. They just didn’t tell how to forge it, darling. Well, except that waving a sledgehammer day and night. But here is the misfortune: work, although it made a man out of a monkey (as many doubt it is), on this his creative function, in fact, ended.

Meanwhile, the reason for bad luck and failure really lies in ourselves. And in order to succeed and change something in your life, it’s not enough just to “plow” hard ...

“Man is what he thinks all day”

These words at leisure spoken by the American writer and philosopher Ralph Amirson. And he was right: thoughts are material, and thinking, a person creates his own reality. Back in 1979, Robert Jan, Dean of the School of Technical and Applied Sciences of Princeton University, made an amazing discovery - the brain can directly affect material reality. Therefore, if she is not happy with something - the cause must be sought in her beloved, and not in the environment, in fact, in fact, not guilty. As the saying goes, there’s nothing to blame for the mirror, if the mug is crooked ... For example, you can’t succeed - no matter what - in work, hunting, study or love. And follow your thoughts: “I won’t be able to ... This is not given to me ... Too difficult task ... I can’t live like this ... This person is not for me ... I won’t succeed again ...” Well, what are you, dear , after that you want? Find a bottle of old Hottabych? Your mind is initially set up for failure - where does anything else come from?

“And where did you get so smart? - you say. “You might think it's so easy to change your mindset.” Try to implement your useful tips! ”Well, first of all, these are not my advice, but specialists who ate half a dozen bony dogs on these issues. And secondly, we will now sort things out, and you will understand that there is nothing fundamentally difficult here.

Toilet memory

... It is known that people who work in this area like to compare the human brain with a garden, where the role of the gardener is played by the person (his consciousness), and the subconscious is the soil where the gardener throws seeds. If he does it indiscriminately, then it will be very difficult to figure out the cultivated one - and yet the soil (subconscious mind) doesn’t care what the owner threw at it, it readily accepts any of your settings and carefully cultivates it. Without thinking about whether it is good or bad, useful or harmful, it is strawberry or wolf berry. The owner sowed - that means it should be so. Therefore, if you say: “I will never finish this dissertation” - be calm, you really will not finish it, you can immediately relax. A tea rose will never grow from a thistle - this is contrary to all biological laws.

Still, these relationships within the human brain are compared with the ship's charter. Consciousness is the captain, determining the course of the ship and giving orders, and the subconscious mind is the team that executes these orders, without thinking too much about their expediency. The captain is obliged to think, and sailors must toss the coals into the firebox and to scrub the deck ... Otherwise, it doesn’t. To verify the correctness of this scheme, you can conduct the following experiment on yourself. Is there excess weight? There is. So tell yourself, for example, on the eve of some predictable feast: “I do not eat sturgeons. Truffles puff me. My body does not accept oysters. " Just tell me seriously, without fools, with faith and conviction. See what happens. Well, after you get patted with these glorious delicacies. And the point is not at all that they will turn out to be unbearably alien to your average stomach - just the subconscious mind, which was initially set up to reject the mentioned dishes, will correctly execute the given command (“the chef doesn’t eat this”). No, nothing terrible will probably happen, but your toilet will remember for a long time the deplorable consequences of this experiment. Therefore, to be honest, I do not advise you to do it. Believe it is better a word ...

Team as an engine of progress

So, the subconscious is a very powerful, strong, skillful, but alas - a somewhat dumb performer. That is, a performer to the marrow of bones, not capable of any initiative. He is devoid of logic, emotion and sense of humor. He can only execute commands - whatever they are. And very effective.

Here's what Joseph Murphy writes in this book, “The Power of Your Subconscious”:

“Your subconscious mind considers everything that you inspire and consciously believe in to be true. It is like soil that takes in every seed. Regardless of whether it is good or bad. ... The subconscious is not capable of any criticism and therefore takes at face value everything that consciousness presents to him as a fact ...

Psychologists and psychiatrists explain to us that all thoughts transferred to the subconscious mind leave imprints in the brain cells. As soon as your subconscious mind receives any suggestion transmitted to it, it will immediately begin to take care of its implementation. To achieve the desired goal, your subconscious will establish a connection with all the forces and laws of nature. "

By the way, Murphy himself, as they say in his own skin, experienced the power of the subconscious - when, four decades before writing a book, he healed himself of the sarcoma, just believing in the power of his subconscious and inspiring him with thoughts of health. Therefore, he had the full moral right to write: “Whatever you need, imagine it as already accomplished, and your subconscious mind will perceive it as an existing fact and quickly realize it. You only need to convince your subconscious, and then it, in accordance with its inherent law, will take care of your health, harmony or professional recognition that you need. You give orders - and the subconscious mind will obey and faithfully carry out suggestions. "

Subconscious mind can do anything

We come to the most important thing: the subconscious mind can have both destructive and creative power - depending on how you set it up. It can destroy you from within, but it can also take you to unprecedented heights. Or leave hanging somewhere between, if that suits you. In short, the subconscious can do anything. And not to use its colossal reserves is an unforgivable extravagance on your (our) side. However, all this does not mean that you should give the order, and your subconscious mind will execute it the next day and bring you everything you wish on the textbook plate. The more complicated the task, the more time will be required for the tireless subconscious to solve it. Of course, if you say to yourself: “I will wake up at 6 o’clock tomorrow without difficulty,” it will be so. For the subconscious, such orders are mere trifles. But if you wish, for example, to increase your bank account eightfold - do not count on quick success - then the subconscious will have to work. By the way, you too. And your job is precisely the ability to negotiate with your faithful and executive friend. After all, I hope you did not get the impression that giving orders to the subconscious is the same as making wishes on New Year's Eve? No, my friends. The subconscious is not a fairy. And not Santa Claus. This is a hard worker who knows his mission and is sincerely devoted to you. Provide him with tools - and he will take off to the fullest!

Canadian human brain researcher John Kehoe tells how things usually happen: “We live in a giant energy web. When you begin to lay the installation for success in your subconscious, this causes a resonance of energy in the entire energy network. The subconscious mind continuously perceives the fluctuations in the energy of success, attracting people and circumstances necessary to achieve your goal. ... Being clots of energy, our thoughts (meaning only repeatedly repeated images, beliefs, visualization, views and desires) affect reality ... When you mentally associate yourself with the positive that you want to achieve in reality, your subconscious mind reacts to it. Your usual way of thinking and the prevailing mental images create reality around you, shaping your unique destiny. ”

How to negotiate with him

You can adopt the schemes developed before you, and you can try to pave the shortest path to your subconscious yourself. Among the most famous techniques is a mental effect, the essence of which is to induce the subconscious mind to accept the desires conveyed to it by the consciousness. You just need to think about your desire, formulate it and firmly believe that from this moment its fulfillment is approaching.

Reception of the bookmark of thoughts consists in tuning the brain to the fact that you already have what you want. It is enough to spend about five minutes a day on this mental exercise. You need to establish a specific program and constantly instill in yourself the feeling that you already have what you want, or have achieved what you were striving for.

The method of figurative representation (visualization) is to mentally see the desired image - as if it really is in front of your eyes. They say that fantasy products really exist in reality and one day they will take a material form - unless, of course, you will steadily keep the corresponding image in your imagination. This does not mean that the desired object at one point materializes from nothing, just your subconscious, capturing the image provided by the consciousness, will work in every way in this direction, and sooner or later it will be realized. One of the varieties of visualization is the so-called film method. This is when in a state of complete physical and mental relaxation, you seem to scroll through the tape and see yourself as the main performer. And then - turn on the fantasy. You just need to fully get used to the desired role, imagine that all this is real reality, and then the subconscious mind will accept your idea. Well, then it’s not your concern, the ideal performer will try.

And here is the method of Charles Bodoin, a French psychotherapist who lived at the beginning of the last century. He believed that the subconscious mind is easiest to influence in a state close to sleep. When any tension of consciousness is limited to a minimum. The essence of the method: “it is most effective and simple to instill in the subconscious mind the desired representation in one short, easily remembered sentence, which you then constantly repeat, like in a lullaby.”

Personally, I like the positive statement most of all - one of the simplest and at the same time effective mental methods of influencing the brain. You just need to choose a statement expressing desire and repeat it several times. Aloud or to yourself. And it doesn’t matter where you do it: in bed, in transport, in the theater or in the queue for tickets. It doesn’t even matter if you believe in this statement - you just need to repeat it. The only condition: it must be short, rhythmic and uncomplicated for repetition. The content of this slogan depends entirely on your current problem. Just two to three minutes of daily cramming of something like that, anywhere and in any condition - and soon you will notice encouraging results.

And finally, a few general rules

1. Never say: “I can’t”, “It will end badly”, “It is beyond my control.” Overcome your fear and self-doubt with a different, life-affirming formula.

2. Before going to bed, do not forget to give your subconscious mind a specific order.

3. Accustom yourself (your consciousness) to the idea that you are the happiest and most successful person in the world.

4. Remember: no matter what method you choose, and of course there are more of them than is presented here, episodic use of any of them is ineffective. To succeed, you need what is called “to get involved in the process” and not leave the topic until the desired becomes valid.

The concept of speed seduction consists of two parts:

  • ability to speak with a woman by conducting a suggestion that excites her imagination;
  • the ability to make your conversation look like and look like a normal conversation.

The main technique for speed seduction is to describe a woman in the state in which you want her to be. To do this, consistent with the above concept, it is useful to use hidden teams. Inside your description, you can select certain words or parts of phrases by intonation (or gestures), and then they will be perceived by the subconscious mind independently, regardless of the content of what you are talking about. This phenomenon is familiar to you from life. If you say “do not touch” and highlight the word “touch” with intonation, then the subconscious mind reacts to it as a command that it seeks to fulfill. Do you understand why children strive to do everything that their parents forbid them to do? Because parents constantly give them the commands “don't be rude”, “don't shout”, etc.

This phenomenon can be perfectly used in any technique of speed seduction. If you talk about the feelings and feelings of a person and highlight the words and parts of phrases in your description with the intonation, then the subconscious of the goat, which, hanging its ears, listens to you, will perceive these distinguished words as commands to experience and feel what is hidden behind these words. When you point your finger at yourself, talking about feelings of a special connection between people, then her subconscious mind perceives this as a command to relate these feelings to you.

When you move on to built-in commands, it is very important and effective to immerse them at least three levels in depth. In this case, this phenomenon occurs: when three examples of description, suggestion, etc. are given, and they are all directed in the same direction, it is simply impossible to resist this. Then they are accepted as their own, which means ... woman passionately fulfills them!

Isn't that fair? Is it bad in such ways to direct her brains towards sex? Is it hard to gently direct her thoughts in the right direction ... very, very gently, with the slightest push, so that she herself finds the way to you, with a minimum of suggestions from your side?

  • Step 1.   One way to start applying the principle of trinity is to quote something that you have heard, read, seen on TV. Usually, it goes well with the “special connection” technique. This, after all, is the usual way of talking ... to quote what you saw, read, etc. So you can start, for example, like this: “You know, I read an amazingly interesting article about how men and women fall in love differently. It said that men are first attracted, and then connected, and women, on the contrary, usually first feel connected, and then attracted. Well, you know, a connection, a feeling when a person seems to have been familiar for a long time as a native ... it somehow happens incomprehensibly, something switches in you, and now you feel that your own person is good with him ... ” you continue the technique of joining time, that is, you approve of everything that she will tell you about this, and then you say: “Well ... and then in this article it was said that a woman can just stop and imagine the future in a few years ... and then you sing some anything you need ... Well, but this is only one level. This is like a normal conversation. You are watching her reactions, and they will certainly be.
  • Step 2 Quoting what a “friend” told you about this! Now you can gracefully move her to the story of what your friend said about this. You can stay on the same topic or add something else from what your friend said. You: “You know, I talked with my friend about this article, and she said that when she begins to REALLY FEEL THE LINK ... and begins to TEST ATTRACTION ... her attention changes. She notices, her breathing has changed, her heart beats faster, she feels fascinated and notices all this, and she has only the features of this guy in her head, and she looks at him, everything around him disappears ... the whole world becomes the face of this guy ... his voice envelops her like his gentle but strong hands .... and she feels that, having forgotten everything, is drowning in it ... and so on and so on. Of course, if you are careful, you will learn the “clash of realities" technique from the chapter on hypnosis. Well, now you made her really excited, right? What could we do to add another level?
  • Step 3   Offer her YOUR opinion on this topic! What could be more natural after all this than saying YOUR opinion on the subject of the conversation? And ... of course ... well, for example, like this: “And now ... what strikes me most about this is how people connect their desires, secret thoughts with another person ... well, how to explain this ... think about the difference between an irresistible attraction to something and a feeling when you know in advance what will happen ... "

Interestingly, this triple pattern “normalizes” her reactions. In other words, when you quote something, you seem to exclude it from the description. As if it was not her experiencing all these experiences. With each step you come closer to her herself ... having described the opinion of your acquaintance, you came one step closer to her herself ... you told how the other woman reacted. To get even closer, when you describe your opinion, you can switch “I-You” and add the inserted commands, saying something like: “I realized that when I APPEAR THIS FEELING ... it’s like permission to GO TO THE MOST END AND DO IT IMMEDIATELY AND IMMEDIATELY ... Now I understand this very clearly ... "

[Gregory Madison, at the household level, is trying to explain some of the NLP techniques that you might want to familiarize yourself with with a more professional manual — for example, Joseph O’Connor and John Seymour's Introduction to NLP or the books of NLP creators Richard Bandler and John Grinder. These techniques work great in business, domestic and extreme situations, as they use the features of the interlocutor’s brain, which he is not able to consciously control. But if you prefer curly beauties as experimental rabbits, then you can learn how to effectively apply manipulation techniques in real conditions at practical pickup trainings at the Dating Academy using hidden special equipment.]

Are there other ways to use this structure? Of course ... You can, for example, begin by quoting a "friend", and then move it through quoting what you read, and end by expressing your opinion. It works just as well. However, I do not recommend starting with my opinion, because then you look like an ill-mannered egoist. Understand, you must hide this fact, and not flaunt it!

This technique works fine even if you have not inserted any commands, suggestions, etc. into it. She uses the influence of authority - three people say the same thing, it means it exists. Social influence - three people are sure that this is true, which means that I must believe in it. And finally, the magic of the number three is used here.

[Gregory Madison]

In this article I will tell you how to ask for advice or the right answers from your subconscious.

All people in their lives are faced with problems that at first glance seem unsolvable.

Sometimes you think how I can solve this problem, how I can find the right solution, how I should act, whether my actions will be right.

To begin with, it is better not to rack your brains, but to entrust this to your all-knowing subconscious.

You can’t imagine how much your subconscious mind knows and how much it can know by your will.

It is the subconscious that often helps a person by guiding him and telling him how to act. Through intuition, dreams, sensations and premonitions, it tells us the necessary ideas and solutions. Having once discovered this amazing ability, a person will no longer be helpless in any situation.

Just think about how you would live well and look confidently into your future, if you knew that your brain, namely the subconscious, has the ability to give you everything you need, tell you how to solve painful problems, how to change your life and you are all you can, while you only need to use the capabilities of your subconscious.

Many businessmen, athletes, artists, statesmen, always listen to the voice of their subconscious. The ability to use the prompted decisions of your subconscious is one of the components of success and how much a person has known himself.

If you listen to the advice of your subconscious, then you will begin to make the most correct decisions, you will have a bunch of creative ideas and you will begin to better understand the world, determining the shortest path from your desire to its embodiment in reality.

Cognition experts studying the process of passing information through the brain claim that only a small fraction of what the brain receives is not more than one percent reaches your consciousness. Just imagine how much information is stored in the subconscious. In addition, the subconscious has the ability to connect to all knowledge. stored in the universe.

How to ask for help from the subconscious:

This is what John Kehoe writes in his book “The Subconscious Might Do Anything”

How to ask for help from the subconscious:

Step 1:Just think for a few minutes that you really have a powerful subconscious mind, that there are absolutely correct answers and solutions, and that your subconscious mind will find them for you. Try to move from the logical awareness of these facts to their emotional perception. When this happens, you will feel joyful excitement. Consciousness should be constantly reminded of the existence of such a powerful assistant as the subconscious. You must feel confident, aware of the power hidden in you.

Step 2:Clearly state what you are seeking from your subconscious: what answers, solutions and views on the problem you want to get from him. Repeat several times to yourself that at this very moment your subconscious mind works for you. Do not bother trying to imagine possible answers. Talk confidently with your subconscious, constantly repeating what you want from it, but express it in words as if it already does it for you. “Now my subconscious mind tells me ...” Repeat this to yourself at least ten times to feel that the process has begun.

Step 3:Relax and fill your brain with confidence that the correct answer will be revealed to you. Remember that faith and confidence are not just sensations, but vibrations of energy. These vibrations will attract the right decisions and answers, just as a magnet attracts metal. The brain, in which fluctuations in the energy of confidence in the correct answer occur, will naturally find this answer. Imagine what you will feel when you find the right answer: excitement, joy, relief. Feel it right now, but don't strain too much. Do not think day and night that the subconscious will soon tell you the correct answer.

Completing all three steps takes no more than five to ten minutes. They are best performed every night before bedtime. The transition from wakefulness to sleep is the most appropriate moment when you can reach the subconscious.

Often the answer comes in the form of a premonition or thought arising in your brain at the moment when you least expect it. This can happen, like Steven Spielberg, while driving a car or during breakfast. Sometimes the answer may be prompted by a “quiet voice from within”, which whispers to you: “Go there, try this, call this person, etc.

The ability to recognize these hunches and listen to the inner voice does not come immediately, but over time you will master it. Do not be upset if you do not succeed at first. No one explained to the majority how to use intuition, so there is nothing surprising in the fact that many experience difficulties at first. This ability is similar to the muscles that grow and become stronger from training. You will develop intuition by paying due attention to it, turning to it, trusting it and acting on its prompting. But first, you should believe in its existence and begin to listen to it.

The subconscious mind may prompt decisions differently each time, but you will always feel that you are getting intuitive information, by the quality of ideas, and also by the sensation that arises. Joy, confidence and overwhelming feeling: “Here it is!” - these feelings distinguish intuitive ideas from other thoughts that arise in your brain.

So, boldly use the subconscious mind to solve it to solve your problems.

So now let's briefly consider what you need to do to get an answer or the right solution from your subconscious:

1. relax.

1. Take a comfortable sitting or lying position. Make sure no one bothers you.

2. Alternately tighten the muscles of your entire body. Tighten the palms of your hands, clenching your fists, hold them in such tension for 10-15 seconds, then relax, feel your palms as they relax, if it fails the first time, repeat several times, exertion and relaxation. Then, according to the same method, strain your biceps arms, after that triceps, shoulders, feel how your arms relax. Then tighten and relax your neck, then tighten and relax your chin (stretch your lips as if you want to kiss someone, relax your cheeks, tongue, eyes, forehead, scalp.

2. Think about the fact that your subconscious mind already knows everything and you only need to get this knowledge from there.

3. Formulate correctly your problem that you want to solve or the question you want to know the answer to.

3. Repeat and believe in the words: “My subconscious mind knows everything”, the Subconscious mind is now telling me (call your problem).

4. Repeat this for 10-15 minutes. If the answer does not come immediately, then continue to turn to your subconscious mind every day. And the answer will certainly be.

5. Feel the joy that you have already received the answer you need or that you have found the right solution.

5. Release your request for the subconscious and forget. It is very important to forget and relax entrusting the entire subconscious.

In conclusion, I want to advise you to use the capabilities of your subconscious mind. Do not underestimate the potential of any person.
  P.S. Learn for FREE how to transform your thinking and change your life with effective subconscious techniques:

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Like sitting in the kitchen and discussing another spiritual experience with my girlfriend, I wondered why we have been cleaning, transforming, accepting, living, transforming and working out a bunch of situations, thoughts, emotions for so many years, and there are still no improvements in some areas of life going on. What is the matter? Maybe I'm not looking there? I’m not transforming there, not transforming there? After all, everything possible has been done, more than once, but there is no result. Perhaps I work a little in this direction or the wrong method is chosen. So which method then to choose? Maybe I'm not digging there?

And then it dawned on me! The personality, the part with which I work, is only 10-15 percent of all of me, most of it is in the Subconscious, and from there goes the management of all the processes of my life. How I had not guessed before! Up to this point, I did not think at all about the Subconscious, nor about the processes taking place in it, which, it seemed to me, were completely uncontrollable. Now I realized that I need to go further, I need to go to the Cause and then transform the Consequences. Before that, I worked with the superficial manifestations of the Reason, but changing the consequences it is very difficult to change the Reason, not impossible, but too long, and I didn’t have time for this “long”, I wanted results, and right now. As it is peculiar to man, to want everything Now, and I am no exception.

A friend immediately happened to have a book on how to work with the subconscious, which she also accidentally bought a few days ago and had not yet read. In this situation, I especially liked the word "by chance." I love these random accidents! The book was from the category of popular literature, a collection of anything from books unknown to me. But the only thing the author succeeded in, he gave quite clear and understandable instructions for working with the Subconscious. Instructions on how you can make contact with the Subconscious and find answers to your questions, find the Reason, what I needed so much.

A method for receiving responses from the Subconscious. Step-by-step instructions with explanations.

I significantly reduced the instruction, leaving the essence itself so that it can be used as a step-by-step hint for working with the Subconscious. I can say that this is a certain template that will acquire your characteristic features over time, you will slip some parts, expand some, and refuse some. First, I will give a technique with my comments, and at the end of the article, only the important point is that you can copy these points and use them at the beginning of work, as a hint, as a guiding thread, in unusual moments for you to work with the Subconscious. Never get attached to this or that technique, transform it for yourself, play with energy, explore and transform space, the book word is dead, remember this! Technique gives only direction, and you yourself pave the way.

I invite you to an incredible and fascinating adventure, a journey through your Subconscious, a vast ocean of wisdom and opportunities, as well as into secret rooms that require your attention and general cleaning. And so let's get started!

  1. Identify and articulate the problem to be resolved. Take responsibility for this problematic situation that needs to be addressed. The wording of the problem should be extremely clear, relevant to a specific situation, and not in a generalized form. Those. “There is no man in my life” - it’s very vague, it’s not clear what kind of man you have in life, a fireman or a plumber, but “in my life there is no relationship with a loving and beloved man”, a more complete and clear formulation of the problem, situation. It is advisable without the particle “not”, “no”, replace them with the verb “missing”, for example.
  2. Free yourself from internal stress. Do a relaxing meditation, for example, you can concentrate on all parts of the body and send light there, relaxing muscles, do not forget about the face. Or take a deep yogic breath. You can also meditate "Mer-Ka-Ba", to harmonize and activate the field of light, it helps to work in any subsequent practice.
  3. Ask the question: "Is the part of my Subconscious that is responsible for the occurrence of this situation (voice the situation) ready to communicate with me at the level of consciousness?". If you got the answer “Yes”, then go to step 4. If “No”, then go to step 11. You may see images of your subconscious mind, whether people are a group of people who will come to your meeting to discuss the current problem. Images may not appear, you just hear the answer with your inner ear, or understand it in any other way that is familiar to you. The main thing is not to analyze the images and answers, you will do this later, we don’t need analytics of the mind now.
  4. Ask the question “Are you ready to tell me what my behavior, what traits of my character or what my thoughts and emotions led to the situation (formulate your situation)”. If yes, go to step 5.
  5. Continue: “Tell me specifically what my behavior, what traits of my character or what my thoughts and emotions have led to the fact that .... (state the situation). ” Keep asking until you get an answer. DO NOT think, DO NOT ask again, DO NOT hesitate, take note. Write it down, ask a few times. Be sure to write everything down, no matter what abracadabra sounds. Our subconscious mind always speaks directly, it does not protect our emotions at all. But there are pluses to this, you will get a clear and comprehensive answer that will contain the essence of the problem, and not self-pity. Sometimes the answers are very tough, as you will see in the example of interaction with the Subconscious, I don’t really want to listen to them, but I highly recommend continuing to record and move on.
  6. If you received the answer “Yes” at step 6, then ask the following question: “Tell me specifically what positive intention I have in what .... (situation statement). ” After receiving the answer, ask again if there is still a positive intention. Record everything without analyzing. I usually ask questions about three to five times. Usually, when passing through this point, completely unexpected answers arise, so unexpected that you may freeze in surprise and want to stop the practice, since the essence of a positive intention is generally very strange, but I strongly recommend continuing. Sometimes, only after a while the situation is recalled that gave rise to this intention. Our subconscious mind ALWAYS works for our benefit, in the most convenient ways for us, but if we are more accustomed to destroying and suffering, it will act just like that, which is why it is necessary to formulate new ways of implementing a positive intention. Although I will tell you a secret, the positive intention, which the Subconscious mind aspires to, can arise in a stressful emotional situation and not carry a positive in itself. This "positive" intention can also be transformed into a more positive action, read the example of interaction with the Subconscious and you will understand what it is about.
  7. Ask with the request “Engage all my creative resources and imagination, create three behaviors to fulfill this intention. "These methods should be simpler, more effective, and more reliable than the old behavior and they should be favorable for me and the world." After the new mode of behavior will be named, think how acceptable it is for implementation in reality, how feasible it is. If it is difficult, ask the Subconscious to come up with a simpler one. The wording should be complete and not contain negation. There can be a lot of them, write down everything.
  8. Ask the other parts of the Subconscious Mind: “Are there any parts of the subconscious or such parts of my personality that object to new ways of behavior?” If the answer is “No”, then go to step 10. If you get the answer “Yes”, then ask the subconscious mind: “Replace or improve the methods against which there are objections, with new methods that satisfy all parts of the subconscious.” Check the reality of the proposed methods and proceed. To your surprise, in fact, other parts of your subconscious mind may be against just such actions, apparently they are not consistent with your other plans or you are not mentally mature enough to accept and act in exactly such a new way. Be sure to respect these parts of the subconscious mind. The more you work with the Subconscious, the sooner you will realize that your subconscious is not a separate part of you, it is you yourself.
  9. Thank the Subconscious. After a long time, the subconscious, when re-viewing it, may offer other means of resolving the situation. I highly recommend that you keep all your notes on working with the subconscious, set a date when and where you started this work, sometimes it helps to better understand the situation, this is your invaluable spiritual experience, appreciate it. Sometimes only with time does understanding of the situation as a whole, an understanding of the responses of the subconscious, an understanding of where the cause itself comes from comes. Here the next adjustment of behavior is already possible, or the situation will disappear by itself. I also want to say that if you are working on some kind of problem, then the approach to solving should be comprehensive, if you have once talked with the subconscious, then you should not expect quick solutions, although it happens. Often in the first conversation with the Subconscious, surface problems open up, and when they are corrected, more serious ones come to the surface, and so on. This is especially noticeable when solving issues that drag on for years, such as loneliness, lack of a prosperous family life, a constant lack of money, cyclical losses of money, repeated unpleasant events.

The method of working with the Subconscious, step-by-step instructions for copying.

  1. Identify and articulate the problem to be resolved. Take responsibility for this problematic situation that needs to be addressed.
  2. Free yourself from internal stress.
  3. Ask the question: "Is that part of my Subconscious, which is responsible for the occurrence of this situation, ready to communicate with me at the level of consciousness?". If you received the answer “Yes”, then go to step 4. If not, then go to step 11.
  4. Ask the question “Are you ready to tell me what my behavior, what traits of my character or what my thoughts and emotions led to the situation (formulate your situation). If yes, go to step 5.
  5. Continue: “Tell me specifically what my behavior, what traits of my character or what my thoughts and emotions have led to the fact that .... (state the situation). ” Keep asking until you get an answer. DO NOT think, DO NOT ask again, DO NOT hesitate, take note. Write it down, ask a few times.
  6. Ask another question: “Are you ready to tell me what a positive intention is that I have .... (state the situation). If “No,” then thank and go to step 8.
  7. If you received the answer “Yes” at step 6, then ask the following question: “Tell me specifically what positive intention I have in what .... (situation statement). ” After receiving the answer, ask again if there is still a positive intention. Record everything without analyzing.
  8. Ask with the request “Engage my creative resources and imagination, create three behaviors to fulfill this intention. "These methods should be simpler, more effective, and more reliable than the old behavior and they should be favorable for me and the world." After the new mode of behavior will be named, think how acceptable it is for implementation in reality, how feasible it is. If it is difficult, ask the Subconscious to come up with a simpler one. The wording should be complete and not contain negation. There can be a lot of them, write down everything.
  9. Ask the other parts of the Subconscious Mind: “Are there any parts of the subconscious or such parts of my personality that object to new ways of behavior?” If the answer is “No”, then go to step 10. If you get the answer “Yes”, then ask the subconscious mind: “Replace or improve those methods against which there are objections, with new methods that satisfy all frequent subconscious minds.” Check the reality of the proposed methods and proceed.
  10. Appeal. “I turn to the part of the subconscious that has created new ways of behavior. "Will you take the responsibility to implement new ways of behavior in the future at the right time and in the right place?” If the answer is “No”, then ask to clarify what is in the way, make adjustments, coordinate with all parts of the Subconscious. If the answer is “Yes,” then ask: “Do what is intended.”
  11. Thank the Subconscious. After a long time, the subconscious, when re-viewing it, may offer other means of resolving the situation.

  An example of working with the subconscious.

We identify the cause of the situation, in this particular example, I found out why a woman does not build relationships with men. And this woman was me, for example, I will describe the real experience of life.

We formulate the situation - "Lack of relations with a loving and beloved man." As you can see, it is “not” without a particle, and it is rather concretely indicated that I am missing and with whom.

Having removed the internal tension with deep yogic breathing, we get to work, we need to establish contact with the Subconscious, in our case, the Subconscious quickly made contact, a tall figure in a white long robe appeared, and with a question in his eyes, was waiting for my questions. I didn’t even have time to ask the question: “Is the part of my Subconscious that is responsible for the occurrence of this situation ready to communicate with me at the level of consciousness?” From point 3, apparently this situation is ready to resolve, I thought, if I could find the contact so quickly with this part of the subconscious.

The subconscious was ready to cooperate with me in terms of consciousness. And I asked the following question: “Tell me specifically what my behavior, what my character traits, or what my thoughts and emotions have led me to have no loving relationship with a man.” At that moment I was just in love, but as usual unrequited and rather painful. And here are the answers I received:

  1. You're stupidly reacting. You forget about yourself and your needs. Forget about what you and your partner need. You act like an idiot in any situation with men.
  2. Stupidly, you do not understand the essence of men, when the booty is in your pocket, you do not need to fight for it and make efforts. This is so for everyone. Get out of his life for a while.
  3. You trustingly believe everything that they say, and they often say to get sex, try not to give sweets, and look at the reaction, you will find out if he loves you or is hiding behind a desire to be with you.
  4. You, nurse, men love solid women who can stand up for themselves and demand respect from them.

I was stunned and crushed, I did not expect such answers at all, but I wrote down everything without analyzing. Of course, I was upset to see a lot of truth in my behavior and my over-credulity, and the fact that I am a nurse, allow me to behave inappropriately ....

Deciding to get answers and solve this problem, I resolutely took up the pen. What is the essence of the problem, what is the positive intention in this situation, I simply could not attach my mind.

To the question: “Are you ready to tell me what a positive intention is that I do not have a loving relationship with a man”, I received a “yes” answer and asked the following burning question about a positive intention in this situation. To which she received a discouraging answer. The positive intention was to:

  1. You're alone
  2. You will be left alone
  3. Stay alone

“Staying alone ?!” is the positive intention of this situation? I was just outraged, discouraged, did not understand what was going on here, I am trying to create a relationship, build a family, and the subconscious is doing my best to keep me alone. Just absurd. But I understood the essence of this absurdity a bit later, when several months later, when I was still making efforts to change the patterns of behavior and reactions that attracted quite strange partners to me.

I continued the conversation with the subconscious, I needed to change this situation, because consciously I wanted a relationship, but unconsciously I did not want them. So it was necessary to somehow change this situation. I'm stubborn!

I asked the Subconscious Mind to come up with three ways to solve this situation, these methods should be simpler, more effective, and more reliable than the old behavior and they should be favorable for me and the world around me. And the Subconscious gave me the following tirade:

  1. Enjoy your business trips
  2. Live on the island in summer and write books
  3. Live in the summer in the country, be away from it

All this did not suit me. What kind of business trips? I don’t go to them. Isle…. I do not have an island and the opportunity to write books all summer long without interruption from business.

I asked the question again and received a completely different essentially answer, deeper, as it seemed to me:

  1. It’s not necessary to leave, be yourself, be who you are and surrounded by people. You can achieve everything by being with people.

I asked the subconscious to adjust my behavior, and take responsibility for it. Thanked and thoughtful. There is something to work on! I was not going to sit back, and decided to start by visiting a psychoanalyst to solve psychological problems in communication caused by physical and emotional violence in my youth, to adjust my behavior and reactions. At home, I constantly kept a diary in which I wrote down all my feelings, and not thoughts, what I feel in every situation in dealing with men, and as soon as I found out that I again get away with not very correct behavior in relation to myself, corrected him in word and deed.

And so we worked hand in hand with the subconscious, until after a few weeks, suddenly, analyzing my first relationship, my first love, I suddenly began to sob right during a psychoanalysis session. I was very surprised, because so many years have passed! Almost twenty years have passed, and my reaction is simply stunning! First love ... what do you say. When we parted, and we could not part, since our parents lived in different countries, I was 15 and he was 18, and the time for independent decisions has not yet come. A year later, I received a letter from him stating that I am a good girl, but we need to leave and no longer correspond. Of course I understand him, a 16-year-old virgin is deeply in love with a 19-year-old guy at a distance, this situation should have ended just like that, although who knows. After reading the last letter from him, I felt such a pain in my heart, I think you know this pain, when the heart closes, it is simply unbearable, I wanted to scream loudly. Maybe I even screamed, but I don’t remember that. I only remember that I decided it was better to be alone than to experience such pain.

Strong emotions instantly recorded my thought in the subconscious, but it does not judge us, does not discuss our decisions, it fulfills them, and I want to tell you quite successfully! Therefore, it is so important to know what is inside your subconscious, as it may differ from your conscious desires and aspirations.

I can please you, it has been a year since I seriously took up the study of this situation, in all possible and impossible ways and methods, including a year of talking with a psychoanalyst, massage (the body is an important point in working out any problem), work with the subconscious and parts, everyday work on emotions, feelings and thoughts. Now on my ring finger of my right hand is a ring with two diamonds flowers. Yesterday, my beloved man proposed to me, and I agreed, because this is a wonderful person, friend and lover, well, how can you refuse! I'm happy! What I wish you, because any work on yourself, systematic and constant, brings the expected and deserved success!

The subconscious mind is an unknown and amazing side of the human psyche, lurking in itself almost inexhaustible resources for internal self-development, self-healing, radical change in the surrounding reality and improvement of one’s life. Few people think or even know about it. But once you open the veil and gain access to the unconscious part of yourself, how grandiose changes begin immediately.

The power of the subconscious

The power and influence of the subconscious is endless. Not knowing how to manage your subconscious mind, turning carelessly, you can direct its resources into a destructive channel and become mired in endless problems. Every action performed, an emerging idea or an experienced emotional state comes from the subconscious. As if something makes you act one way or another, think in a certain way, feel feelings. The explanation for everything is the programs and settings embedded in the subconscious.

Very often, a person himself lays them, succumbing to his fears, anxieties, suppressing strong emotions, communicating in a certain circle, experiencing from time to time destructive thoughts that become dominant and intrusive. The role of parents and other authoritative relatives is great, from childhood inspiring everyone with norms of behavior and morality, as well as implicitly transmitting their own subconscious programs.

It should be noted the impact on the subconscious of society, the media, which constantly program the subconscious. They usually use special psychological NLP techniques. With their help, information is imperceptibly introduced immediately to the subconscious level, bypassing the sphere of consciousness and rational assessment. Sometimes, additional sources that are significant for each individual person join them.

All this forms the subconscious program. And here the question arises. But what exactly is needed for that individual on whom such a massive psychological attack takes place? What is his place in the world? What is his role? Living in fear, depression, forever experiencing stress? Do unloved work? Suffer from family problems, misunderstanding, insecurity? Or change the polarity of all this to positive? The answer seems to be quite obvious.

How to work with the subconscious

To achieve what you want, you need to restructure, redirect the resources of the subconscious mind to the right direction: set new adaptive programs, lay new installations that help solve problems, give yourself new commands with a plus sign.

The first steps on the way to gaining control over subconscious processes are to deeply analyze your internal state, realize your real goals and aspirations, turn off the unconscious "autopilot". To do this, you can turn to a psychotherapist, psychoanalyst, hypnologist, or use the simplest way - to use hypnotic programs, audio sessions, and neural settings of Interaura at home.

In order to achieve success only by our own efforts, it is necessary:

Determine what exactly consciousness does not let out of the subconscious sphere of what it fears,
   to find and realize thoughts that are repeated every day many times, not allowing you to live in peace,
   to realize what consciousness believes and what it strives for,
   to study the reaction of consciousness to innovations that contradict the program embedded in the subconscious.

Techniques for working with the subconscious, as a rule, are developed individually, depending on the needs. They are based on simple rules:

1. It is imperative to formulate the goals of your work, to fully realize them.
  2. Suggestions, beliefs and affirmations - new ideas that are introduced should be as clear as possible, concrete, best of all with a bright and positive emotional coloring.
  3. Bring all matters to their logical conclusion. This also applies to psychological practices and everyday life. The implementation of this rule will help relieve internal stress, relieve the functions of the subconscious.
  4. Learning to perceive any situation as success - everything happens for the better.
  5. Clearly recognize the factor: if you do not control the subconscious, it will control.

Subconscious Techniques

1. Reprogramming.
  2. Deprogramming.
  3. Programming.

Reprogramming is a change in subjective experience, a substitution of patterns, the formation of new patterns of behavior. All of this is being introduced to replace the existing negative. At the same time, new programs have a positive and sometimes neutral charge. Examples: meditation, affirmations, and other similar techniques.

Deprogramming is not aimed at the usual replacement of certain stereotypes, but at solving existing problems. The bottom line is that a person encounters problems face to face and solves them: finds the causes and eliminates them in an appropriate way. Examples include Dianetic auditing, BSFF (Be Set Free Fast, Become Free Fast) and EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique, Emotional Release Techniques).