How to make the subconscious prompt the right numbers. Work with the subconscious - rules and secrets. How does the subconscious mind

American psychologist William James said: "In your subconscious mind lies a force that can turn the world around." No more and no less. Therefore, the most important of the arts for us is not cinema at all, as the UMP (leader of the world proletariat) once claimed, but the ability to come to terms with ... himself.

Tame your subconscious and take possession of it by force. Start right now by saying to yourself, “I always have luck” - even if the black line in your life seems endless. Believe me, the game is worth the candle.

Have you ever wondered why fate (God, providence, fortune) is so selective? Why is everything given to some - happiness, success, wealth, and to others - a donut hole, three crusts of bread and a glass of environmentally dirty water from a rusty tap? .. From childhood, we were told that a person is the smith of his own happiness. They just didn’t tell how to forge it, darling. Well, except that waving a sledgehammer day and night. But here is the misfortune: work, although it made a man out of a monkey (as many doubt it is), on this his creative function, in fact, ended.

Meanwhile, the reason for bad luck and failure really lies in ourselves. And in order to succeed and change something in your life, it’s not enough just to “plow” hard ...

“Man is what he thinks all day”

These words at leisure spoken by the American writer and philosopher Ralph Amirson. And he was right: thoughts are material, and thinking, a person creates his own reality. Back in 1979, Robert Jan, Dean of the School of Technical and Applied Sciences of Princeton University, made an amazing discovery - the brain can directly affect material reality. Therefore, if she is not happy with something - the cause must be sought in her beloved, and not in the environment, in fact, in fact, not guilty. As the saying goes, there’s nothing to blame for the mirror, if the mug is crooked ... For example, you can’t succeed - no matter what - in work, hunting, study or love. And follow your thoughts: “I won’t be able to ... This is not given to me ... Too difficult task ... I can’t live like this ... This person is not for me ... I won’t succeed again ...” Well, what are you, dear , after that you want? Find a bottle of old Hottabych? Your mind is initially set up for failure - where does anything else come from?

“And where did you get so smart? - you say. “You might think it's so easy to change your mindset.” Try to implement your useful tips! ”Well, first of all, these are not my advice, but specialists who ate half a dozen bony dogs on these issues. And secondly, we will now sort things out, and you will understand that there is nothing fundamentally difficult here.

Toilet memory

... It is known that people who work in this area like to compare the human brain with a garden, where the role of the gardener is played by the person (his consciousness), and the subconscious is the soil where the gardener throws seeds. If he does it indiscriminately, then it will be very difficult to figure out the cultivated one - and yet the soil (subconscious mind) doesn’t care what the owner threw at it, it readily accepts any of your settings and carefully cultivates it. Without thinking about whether it is good or bad, useful or harmful, it is strawberry or wolf berry. The owner sowed - that means it should be so. Therefore, if you say: “I will never finish this dissertation” - be calm, you really will not finish it, you can immediately relax. A tea rose will never grow from a thistle - this is contrary to all biological laws.

Still, these relationships within the human brain are compared with the ship's charter. Consciousness is the captain, determining the course of the ship and giving orders, and the subconscious mind is the team that executes these orders, without thinking too much about their expediency. The captain is obliged to think, and sailors must toss the coals into the firebox and to scrub the deck ... Otherwise, it doesn’t. To verify the correctness of this scheme, you can conduct the following experiment on yourself. Is there excess weight? There is. So tell yourself, for example, on the eve of some predictable feast: “I do not eat sturgeons. Truffles puff me. My body does not accept oysters. " Just tell me seriously, without fools, with faith and conviction. See what happens. Well, after you get patted with these glorious delicacies. And the point is not at all that they will turn out to be unbearably alien to your average stomach - just the subconscious mind, which was initially set up to reject the mentioned dishes, will correctly execute the given command (“the chef doesn’t eat this”). No, nothing terrible will probably happen, but your toilet will remember for a long time the deplorable consequences of this experiment. Therefore, to be honest, I do not advise you to do it. Believe it is better a word ...

Team as an engine of progress

So, the subconscious is a very powerful, strong, skillful, but alas - a somewhat dumb performer. That is, a performer to the marrow of bones, not capable of any initiative. He is devoid of logic, emotion and sense of humor. He can only execute commands - whatever they are. And very effective.

Here's what Joseph Murphy writes in this book, “The Power of Your Subconscious”:

“Your subconscious mind considers everything that you inspire and consciously believe in to be true. It is like soil that takes in every seed. Regardless of whether it is good or bad. ... The subconscious is not capable of any criticism and therefore takes at face value everything that consciousness presents to him as a fact ...

Psychologists and psychiatrists explain to us that all thoughts transferred to the subconscious mind leave imprints in the brain cells. As soon as your subconscious mind receives any suggestion transmitted to it, it will immediately begin to take care of its implementation. To achieve the desired goal, your subconscious will establish a connection with all the forces and laws of nature. "

By the way, Murphy himself, as they say in his own skin, experienced the power of the subconscious - when, four decades before writing a book, he healed himself of the sarcoma, just believing in the power of his subconscious and inspiring him with thoughts of health. Therefore, he had the full moral right to write: “Whatever you need, imagine it as already accomplished, and your subconscious mind will perceive it as an existing fact and quickly realize it. You only need to convince your subconscious, and then it, in accordance with its inherent law, will take care of your health, harmony or professional recognition that you need. You give orders - and the subconscious mind will obey and faithfully carry out suggestions. "

Subconscious mind can do anything

We come to the most important thing: the subconscious mind can have both destructive and creative power - depending on how you set it up. It can destroy you from within, but it can also take you to unprecedented heights. Or leave hanging somewhere between, if that suits you. In short, the subconscious can do anything. And not to use its colossal reserves is an unforgivable extravagance on your (our) side. However, all this does not mean that you should give the order, and your subconscious mind will execute it the next day and bring you everything you wish on the textbook plate. The more complicated the task, the more time will be required for the tireless subconscious to solve it. Of course, if you say to yourself: “I will wake up at 6 o’clock tomorrow without difficulty,” it will be so. For the subconscious, such orders are mere trifles. But if you wish, for example, to increase your bank account eightfold - do not count on quick success - then the subconscious will have to work. By the way, you too. And your job is precisely the ability to negotiate with your faithful and executive friend. After all, I hope you did not get the impression that giving orders to the subconscious is the same as making wishes on New Year's Eve? No, my friends. The subconscious is not a fairy. And not Santa Claus. This is a hard worker who knows his mission and is sincerely devoted to you. Provide him with tools - and he will take off to the fullest!

Canadian human brain researcher John Kehoe tells how things usually happen: “We live in a giant energy web. When you begin to lay the installation for success in your subconscious, this causes a resonance of energy in the entire energy network. The subconscious mind continuously perceives the fluctuations in the energy of success, attracting people and circumstances necessary to achieve your goal. ... Being clots of energy, our thoughts (meaning only repeatedly repeated images, beliefs, visualization, views and desires) affect reality ... When you mentally associate yourself with the positive that you want to achieve in reality, your subconscious mind reacts to it. Your usual way of thinking and the prevailing mental images create reality around you, shaping your unique destiny. ”

How to negotiate with him

You can adopt the schemes developed before you, and you can try to pave the shortest path to your subconscious yourself. Among the most famous techniques is a mental effect, the essence of which is to induce the subconscious mind to accept the desires conveyed to it by the consciousness. You just need to think about your desire, formulate it and firmly believe that from this moment its fulfillment is approaching.

Reception of the bookmark of thoughts consists in tuning the brain to the fact that you already have what you want. It is enough to spend about five minutes a day on this mental exercise. You need to establish a specific program and constantly instill in yourself the feeling that you already have what you want, or have achieved what you were striving for.

The method of figurative representation (visualization) is to mentally see the desired image - as if it really is in front of your eyes. They say that fantasy products really exist in reality and one day they will take a material form - unless, of course, you will steadily keep the corresponding image in your imagination. This does not mean that the desired object at one point materializes from nothing, just your subconscious, capturing the image provided by the consciousness, will work in every way in this direction, and sooner or later it will be realized. One of the varieties of visualization is the so-called film method. This is when in a state of complete physical and mental relaxation, you seem to scroll through the tape and see yourself as the main performer. And then - turn on the fantasy. You just need to fully get used to the desired role, imagine that all this is real reality, and then the subconscious mind will accept your idea. Well, then it’s not your concern, the ideal performer will try.

And here is the method of Charles Bodoin, a French psychotherapist who lived at the beginning of the last century. He believed that the subconscious mind is easiest to influence in a state close to sleep. When any tension of consciousness is limited to a minimum. The essence of the method: “it is most effective and simple to instill in the subconscious mind the desired representation in one short, easily remembered sentence, which you then constantly repeat, like in a lullaby.”

Personally, I like the positive statement most of all - one of the simplest and at the same time effective mental methods of influencing the brain. You just need to choose a statement expressing desire and repeat it several times. Aloud or to yourself. And it doesn’t matter where you do it: in bed, in transport, in the theater or in the queue for tickets. It doesn’t even matter if you believe in this statement - you just need to repeat it. The only condition: it must be short, rhythmic and uncomplicated for repetition. The content of this slogan depends entirely on your current problem. Just two to three minutes of daily cramming of something like that, anywhere and in any condition - and soon you will notice encouraging results.

And finally, a few general rules

1. Never say: “I can’t”, “It will end badly”, “It is beyond my control.” Overcome your fear and self-doubt with a different, life-affirming formula.

2. Before going to bed, do not forget to give your subconscious mind a specific order.

3. Accustom yourself (your consciousness) to the idea that you are the happiest and most successful person in the world.

4. Remember: no matter what method you choose, and of course there are more of them than is presented here, episodic use of any of them is ineffective. To succeed, you need what is called “to get involved in the process” and not leave the topic until the desired becomes valid.

In a friendly team of managers of our body, one of the participants is Subconscious. It performs a number of functions.

At first: Subconscious   "Runs" to the internal warehouse to the reserves of the data accumulated there, brings from there and palms our Mind the necessary information at the time of decision-making.   It is, in accordance with its own logic,   concentrates our attention on some facts and does not notice others.

For example, if you experienced a lot of stress a couple of times when parting with a loved one, then there is an understanding that love is bad, it is life threatening. And when you meet the next candidate for love, the Subconscious mind focuses on his uncleaned shoes, or on his unpleasant smell, or something else that is just as terrible. Therefore, you seem to make your own decision - this is not the option that you need. Not your soul mate. Need to look further. And so once in a while the Subconsciousness organizes your lack of new love.

It is difficult for us to identify those moments in our behavior when we are under the direct control of the Subconscious. They happen, but very briefly. For example, this may be the moment when we find the solution we need with the help of intuition, and then the Mind comes into play, which implements the hint of the Subconscious. Or, for example, we don’t want to do any business, and we suddenly become ill. Hooray, you can, with a clear conscience, give up what you don’t want to do! Has this disease accidentally occurred? Of course not, it was organized for us by our Subconscious - so that we would not be nervous. That is, it actively affects our body and the many events of our lives, but implicitly. Nevertheless, the influence of the Subconscious is very great.

The second function of the Subconscious.

The second function of the Subconscious is the performance of attitudes obtained as a result of accumulating personal experience or copied from parents and other significant people during the upbringing. Whether we like it or not, we often work out these unconscious rules as biorobots.

The subconscious mind does not bring all the information. Here we note that the Subconscious will not bring us from the “warehouse” what we request. And the fact that it considers it necessary for us to bring. Moreover, it will not take this decision on its own, but will be guided by us given to it by the team (installation) !!!

Here, it seems worth making the following assumption. Since we revealed earlier that absolutely all information from the sensory organs falls into our “internal warehouse”, then, most likely, it does not directly come to the Mind itself. And it comes already from our "internal warehouse", fresh, just recorded.

Many facts can be cited in support of this version. For example, each of you was clearly confronted with a situation where you were looking for some missing thing, and as if “not seeing” it. And later, after an internal appeal for help to the house, or after performing some other actions, you suddenly “saw” her. Although before many times looked at the same place and did not see.

How can this happen? Everything is well explained if information comes to our Mind only from a “warehouse”, and for some reason our Subconscious has filtered it. And then she decided to stop filtering, and we suddenly found a lost thing. This process can be displayed as a picture, where the light flux from an external object in the pupil of the human eye is translated into a series of information signals that are immediately fed to our “data warehouse”. And the Subconscious mind takes this data from there and transfers it to the Mind.

If the Reason is busy with something (a person thinks hard something), then new signals remain unclaimed to them. But they still get to the “internal warehouse”, and can be extracted from there using special techniques such as hypnosis. You obviously had situations when your head was busy thinking about something, you were focused and did not hear external signals. Other people could contact you, but you did not hear them! What then they were offended. Or thought you were ignoring them. Although you did not think about them at all at this moment, your Mind was busy “digesting” some idea and could not respond to external appeals. “There wasn’t enough RAM,” as computer scientists would say.

Can the assumption about the ability of the Subconscious to filter information and issue it in parts be useful to us somehow? Most likely, yes, if we learn to put in ourselves such settings that will include some kind of “filters”, and we will stop “seeing” what we do not want to see.

For example, the husband does not like to see curlers on the head of his wife; they destroy her image of the unearthly Goddess that exists in his imagination. Do Goddesses Wear Curlers? In order to preserve the image of his beloved for a longer time, he gives himself the setting: “I do not see curlers on my wife’s head.” And all, the wife is always beautiful, no matter what is on her head. Is it a bad opportunity to maintain his enthusiasm for years to come? I must admit that some wise husbands and wives have already learned to include such “filters” in order not to see what they do not like. But they did it by accident or intuitively. And we want to translate this into a conscious and controlled process.

PU is a positive attitude.

If we return to the above example with a girl who is looking for love, but in her Subconscious mind there is a powerful negative attitude “I do not want to fall in love with anyone”, we get another filter. This filter will pass into the Reason only the information that will work on the implementation of the inherent negative installation. That is, information about the shortcomings of the potential chosen one. And information about its merits will be filtered out and will not go into Reason.

It turns out that the Subconscious Mind can either skip or not skip some information into the Mind. As we command, it will do so. He has no opinion. It is a kind of mind-serving personnel. Although very skilled. But most people have problems with the Mind, they themselves do not know what kind of attitudes they have put in themselves. As a result, they rush around in life and look for someone who would advise or correct something to them, since the Subconscious mind regularly fulfills their more than strange set of internal orders.

We are the Papuans to whom God gave the supercomputer. And now he is waiting when they learn to use it. God grant him patience ...

Further information will be useful to everyone who has a more or less developed logical thinking and believes that at least something of this life depends on himself. And not only from God, fate, luck and other incomprehensible words. How quickly you learn to be your own master is up to you. Our Subconscious is a very powerful tool for influencing and transforming the world, and to abandon it and its help is more than a strange decision. To really learn how to use your hidden opportunities you need to practice regularly. You have every right to do nothing and not to develop. It will be your choice.

When speaking with your own Subconscious, follow some simple rules.

  • Avoid the negative "no" particle.
    When giving commands to your subconscious mind, try to be affirmative, not negative. For example, say to yourself: "I am recovering / getting rich / getting smarter" instead of "I'm not sick / not poor / not stupid." The fact is that   the subconscious mind does not perceive the negative particle “not”, and your team will be accepted and launched exactly the opposite. That is, a person who repeats to himself: "I am not sick, I am not sick, I am not sick" actually orders the body: "I am sick, I am sick, I am sick." The probability for such a person to get sick is very high. This is why it is so hard for many people to quit smoking. They order themselves: “I do not smoke, I quit smoking”, etc. From these words, an image of a cigarette instantly arises in the head. We involuntarily remember what we are trying so hard to forget. It would be more correct to say to yourself: “I lead a healthy lifestyle” and at the same time visualize myself in the morning on a run or in the pool, drinking freshly squeezed juice.
  • Talk about yourself in the present tense.
      The subconscious mind best perceives orders formulated in the present tense. Tell yourself: “I am getting better every second” instead of “I will be beautiful and healthy” or “I am getting rich every second, I am a successful and wealthy person” instead of “I will get rich, I will have a lot of money and a brilliant career”, etc. . As soon as you told yourself this, consider that you activated the corresponding process in your brain, and the subconscious mind began to send the necessary signals to your body.
    • Avoid ambiguity and ambiguity.
        The Russian language is insidious in that there are quite a lot of ambiguous words in it that can be perceived by your subconscious not in the way you would like to. For example, wanting to defeat a cold as soon as possible, you give the subconscious command: "I am recovering quickly." But the subconscious mind interprets your team in its own way, and instead of the long-awaited recovery, you begin to gain weight. There can be many such examples. Try to formulate your command to the subconscious as specific as possible, more precisely, more clearly.   Then it will be performed at the proper level.

  • Do not mess with the subconscious.
      If you have a good sense of humor, that's fine. But alas, our subconscious mind doesn't understand jokes. The subconscious mind is arranged in such a way that it perceives any information literally. So your witticisms like “I wish I hadn’t be such a ruin” will be understood literally and will not work or work not in the best way.

According to the materials of the books by Alexander Sviyash "Open Subconscious" and Eva Berger "NLP for every day. 20 rules of the winner"

Four steps to a new reality

Speech by Alexander Sviyash at the conference "Disclosure of Secrets 2.0"

The subconscious mind is an unknown and amazing side of the human psyche, lurking in itself almost inexhaustible resources for internal self-development, self-healing, radical change in the surrounding reality and improvement of one’s life. Few people think or even know about it. But once you open the veil and gain access to the unconscious part of yourself, how grandiose changes begin immediately.

The power of the subconscious

The power and influence of the subconscious is endless. Not knowing how to manage your subconscious mind, turning carelessly, you can direct its resources into a destructive channel and become mired in endless problems. Every action performed, an emerging idea or an experienced emotional state comes from the subconscious. As if something makes you act one way or another, think in a certain way, feel feelings. The explanation for everything is the programs and settings embedded in the subconscious.

Very often, a person himself lays them, succumbing to his fears, anxieties, suppressing strong emotions, communicating in a certain circle, experiencing from time to time destructive thoughts that become dominant and intrusive. The role of parents and other authoritative relatives is great, from childhood inspiring everyone with norms of behavior and morality, as well as implicitly transmitting their own subconscious programs.

It should be noted the impact on the subconscious of society, the media, which constantly program the subconscious. They usually use special psychological NLP techniques. With their help, information is imperceptibly introduced immediately to the subconscious level, bypassing the sphere of consciousness and rational assessment. Sometimes, additional sources that are significant for each individual person join them.

All this forms the subconscious program. And here the question arises. But what exactly is needed for that individual on whom such a massive psychological attack takes place? What is his place in the world? What is his role? Living in fear, depression, forever experiencing stress? Do unloved work? Suffer from family problems, misunderstanding, insecurity? Or change the polarity of all this to positive? The answer seems to be quite obvious.

How to work with the subconscious

To achieve what you want, you need to restructure, redirect the resources of the subconscious mind to the right direction: set new adaptive programs, lay new installations that help solve problems, give yourself new commands with a plus sign.

The first steps on the way to gaining control over subconscious processes are to deeply analyze your internal state, realize your real goals and aspirations, turn off the unconscious "autopilot". To do this, you can turn to a psychotherapist, psychoanalyst, hypnologist, or use the simplest way - to use hypnotic programs, audio sessions, and neural settings of Interaura at home.

In order to achieve success only by our own efforts, it is necessary:

Determine what exactly consciousness does not let out of the subconscious sphere of what it fears,
   to find and realize thoughts that are repeated every day many times, not allowing you to live in peace,
   to realize what consciousness believes and what it strives for,
   to study the reaction of consciousness to innovations that contradict the program embedded in the subconscious.

Techniques for working with the subconscious, as a rule, are developed individually, depending on the needs. They are based on simple rules:

1. It is imperative to formulate the goals of your work, to fully realize them.
  2. Suggestions, beliefs and affirmations - new ideas that are introduced should be as clear as possible, concrete, best of all with a bright and positive emotional coloring.
  3. Bring all matters to their logical conclusion. This also applies to psychological practices and everyday life. The implementation of this rule will help relieve internal stress, relieve the functions of the subconscious.
  4. Learning to perceive any situation as success - everything happens for the better.
  5. Clearly recognize the factor: if you do not control the subconscious, it will control.

Subconscious Techniques

1. Reprogramming.
  2. Deprogramming.
  3. Programming.

Reprogramming is a change in subjective experience, a substitution of patterns, the formation of new patterns of behavior. All of this is being introduced to replace the existing negative. At the same time, new programs have a positive and sometimes neutral charge. Examples: meditation, affirmations, and other similar techniques.

Deprogramming is not aimed at the usual replacement of certain stereotypes, but at solving existing problems. The bottom line is that a person encounters problems face to face and solves them: finds the causes and eliminates them in an appropriate way. Examples include Dianetic auditing, BSFF (Be Set Free Fast, Become Free Fast) and EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique, Emotional Release Techniques).

Today, Valentine's Day, I am happy to give you a simple technique for communicating with my subconscious. She will help you understand your inner world, find out the true goals of your Soul’s movement, find the inner prohibitions on the way to the Goal. And so, let's get started.

What do we have to do

The essence of the technique is quite simple.

At the first stage, you need to agree with the Subconscious, how it will answer your questions. Usually this is done through body signals - through micro-movements of some muscles, through color images, or even through internal expanded mental answers (at a later stage of communication with him).

Having established a contact, you can ask questions on topics of interest to you and receive answers. There are certain restrictions on the questions asked. For example, you cannot ask how to get rid of a disease. More precisely, you can ask, but you should not wait for an answer. If your disease was created by the same Subconscious to help you solve some external problem, then it will never tell you how to destroy the result of your labor.

Another thing is that it readily answers why it created the disease, what positive intention it realized in doing so. It can also be agreed with him that it will realize the same intention in some other way, without illness. If you agree on this, then the disease can disappear by itself.

Exercise “Making contact with the Subconscious”

  • Sit at a table in a relaxed atmosphere (turn off the phone, turn off the radio and TV, exclude other people from contacting you).
  • Put your hands on your knees or table so that you can move your fingers freely.
  • Relax, close your eyes, stop running thoughts for a few seconds;
  • Then mentally say to yourself, “I invite to the conscious contact that part of my Subconscious that is responsible for my health. I ask you to answer me through the body. If you are ready to contact me, show me what the answer “YES” will look like.
  • After this, you need to calmly sit and watch your body as if from the side. You need to find out how the Subconscious mind responds to your request. As soon as you notice that something has happened in the body, you can ask yourself the following question: “Did I understand correctly that the“ YES ”signal is ... (indicate the signal you noticed). If so, please show the YES signal again.
  • After that, you again observe whether the signal will repeat. If it does not happen again, then try to repeat the previous steps again, until you receive an answer.
  • If the “YES” signal repeats, proceed to the next part of the exercise.
  • You need to mentally say to yourself, “I thank for the response that part of my Subconscious that is responsible for health. I ask you to show through the body what the answer “NO” will look like.
  • After that, again you need to sit quietly and watch your body as if from the side. You need to observe how the Subconscious mind answers your next request. As soon as you find that something has happened in the body, you can ask yourself the following question: “Did I understand correctly that the signal“ NO ”is ... (indicate the signal you noticed). If so, please show the signal “NO” again.
  • After that, you again observe whether the signal will repeat. If it does not happen again, then try to repeat the previous steps again, until you receive an answer.
  • If the signal "NO" repeats, then say to yourself: "I thank for the answer that part of my Subconscious that is responsible for health. "I ask permission now to interrupt our contact and return to it after a while." Now you can open your eyes and go into a normal state of consciousness.

Sometimes the Subconscious Mind does not show a “NO” signal - in this case, the absence of any other signal can be considered as a “NO” signal.

The answer of the Subconscious can be in the form of barely noticeable movements of the arms, legs, head, swaying of the entire body, yawning, twitching of the muscles of the body, a feeling of warmth or itching, wiggling of the fingers, etc. - you can easily feel them if you are not distracted by exercise time.

This can be a change in the frequency of breathing or heartbeat, or some kind of flash, or color spots on the inner screen in the forehead.

Sometimes these are direct mental answers such as: “Yes, I'm here and ready to answer you,” but we suggest being careful with mental signals, especially at the initial stage of work. Ask first to answer you through the body.

In Erickson hypnosis, as the most convenient and common signal for communicating with the body, it is customary to use the following micromotions of the index fingers of the hands: micromotion upward of the index finger of the right hand - signal "YES", micromotion upward of the index finger of the left hand - signal "NO", micromotion of both fingers at once - "I DO NOT KNOW".

If the received signal does not suit you (for example, it is swaying the whole body), then you can agree with the Subconscious mind that it will change the way you communicate with it more convenient - for example, with micromotion of the fingers. This is usually obtained.

In general, most people need 5-10 minutes to establish contact with the Subconscious through the body. Sometimes this takes more time, but it is almost always possible to agree with the body if you let go of the control and do not idealize the result.

Very fussy people have difficulties with a huge amount of chaotic thoughts in their head - they simply can not concentrate and catch the signals of the body. And in people abusing painkillers, they seem to have stained their nervous system so much that it does not want to respond to the abuser's calls.

It is strongly not recommended to check many times if you correctly understood the answer of the Subconscious. For stupid and highly doubting people, the Subconscious will be exactly the same - stupid and doubting. And how do you command him to talk then?

You can change the interlocutor

Interestingly, in other methods of communicating with the Subconscious, it is proposed to refer not to “the part of the Subconscious that is responsible for my health”, but directly to the diseased organ. That is, your first phrase may look like:

  • I invite my right kidney to a conscious contact. I ask you to answer me through the body. If you are ready to contact me, show me what the answer “YES” will look like.

And then everything is done in the same way as in the exercise "Making contact with the subconscious." Naturally, the kidney can only be asked questions about her, she knows nothing about the other organs of your body.

Or knows, but will not say.

Get Health Information

After establishing contact with the Subconscious, you can try it regarding your illness. This is again done in a specific form.

According to NLP, a disease in the body can occur as a result of one of the following four events:

  • the disease solves some important problem for you (for example, it saves you from prolonged stress);
  • the disease is the result of some event in your past (for example, an injury that you already forgot about);
  • the disease is the result of a very strong emotional experience in the past (for example, a strong fright that took place many years ago);
  • the disease is the result of a highly emotional command to get sick, given to yourself many years ago. For example, a child can say to himself many times “I hate it!”, And in the end it is perceived as a command to lower vision in the direction of myopia (I do not want to look into the distance!).

Just about this you can ask the part of your Subconscious that is responsible for your health.

Attention! When contacting the Subconscious, you do not need to ask about your medical diagnoses. All diagnoses were invented by people, and the Subconscious mind clearly does not have a higher medical education. Therefore, ask about the organ or part of the body that hurts you.

How to talk

The internal dialogue on this topic has approximately the following form.

At this point, you should already have a well-developed channel of communication with the Subconscious, that is, know how your “Yes” and “No” signals will look.

You sit down in a calm atmosphere, get in touch with the part of the Subconscious that is responsible for your health, and ask your questions one by one:

  • Do I understand correctly that my illness is the result of some kind of strong emotional experience in my past?
  • Do I understand correctly that my illness is the result of some command that I gave myself in the past?

If you get the answer “Yes” to at least one of the questions, then you can immediately develop this topic without moving on to subsequent questions. That is, try to find out the details.

The difficulty here is that in the initial stages of working with the Subconscious, you need to put your questions so that it can only answer “Yes” and “No”. And this is not at all simple, the development of logical thinking is required.

Here's what the dialogue with the Subconscious Mind might look like:

  • Sit down, relax, mentally say to yourself, “I invite to the conscious contact that part of my Subconscious that is responsible for my health. Are you ready to answer me?
  • Can I get information from you about the causes of my pain in my right side?
  • Do I understand correctly that my illness is caused by your positive intention to help me solve some of my problem?
  • Do I understand correctly that my illness is the result of some event in my past?
  • Do I remember this event?
  • I can remember him.
  • Did it happen more than a year ago?
  • Did it happen more than five years ago?
  • More than three years?
  • Did this happen at home?
  • Outdoors?
  • At work?
  • Did I hit?
  • Did I do something?
  • Did I lift something heavy?
  • Am I cold?
  • Can you remind me when this happened?

At this point, you can remember some event from your past. For example, the case when you were sitting at a long meeting near the door, and a strong draft blew from there. You then got very cold, but then you recovered and thought that everything had passed. It turns out that there are consequences.

  • You can help me?
  • Do I have an inflammatory process?
  • Can I somehow remove it?
  • Are these compresses?
  • Is it a massage?
  • Is it an ointment?
  • I know her name.
  • I can find out.
  • Have loved ones?
  • Mom?
  • Does she know exactly what will help me?
  • Thank you for your help. Do you allow me to contact you in the future?
  • Goodbye.

Something like this might look like a dialogue with your Subconscious. Sometimes it is longer, sometimes shorter. In a conversation with him you have nowhere to hurry, your Subconscious is always with you and is always ready to talk with you. Therefore, do not be shy and do not slow down yourself, get answers as long as you are answered.

Sometimes the right answer comes immediately in the form of a finished picture or just an understanding of what you need to do.

What else can you find out?

The possibilities of the Subconscious are much wider than the transmission to you of information about the disease that it has generated. The Subconscious can be addressed with many other topics. With this treatment, it is advisable to know with whom exactly you want to communicate. More precisely, not with anyone, but to what area of \u200b\u200bthe Subconscious you want to appeal to.

And what areas of the Subconscious do exist?

Most likely, explicit areas (or areas of responsibility) are not there. But for the convenience of treatment, they can be invented. For example, when using this technique, you can conditionally divide the Subconscious mind into areas (departments, departments) responsible for the following areas of our lives: health, abilities, business success (work, business), personal life, family, hobbies, friendship, knowledge, contact with Thin world. And on each issue it is necessary to build a dialogue with the corresponding field of the Subconscious.

The general ideology of constructing the questions is as follows:

  • choose the area of \u200b\u200bthe Subconscious that interests you;
  • establish mental contact with her;
  • ask questions like: “Is there a positive meaning in the appearance of this event for me? Does it teach me anything? Does it protect against danger? ”

You formulate the questions in such a way that the answer can be either “YES” or “NO” or “DO NOT KNOW” (YES and NO together). Sometimes the answer comes in the form of a direct understanding of the situation or images that arose in the head after the question (or right at the time of asking it).

We give an example of such a dialogue.

The young woman (divorced, having a child of 5 years old, living with her mother) received a proposal from the management of the company to move from ordinary managers to the position of department head. She hesitates to accept her offer. On the one hand, it is recognition of your merits, salary growth, etc. On the other hand, this is an additional responsibility, an additional burden, a restriction in freedom (although it did not exist before). She contacted the part of her Subconscious that is responsible for her business success and asked her the question: “Should I accept the position of head of department?”

  • Will something prevent me from successfully working in this position?
  • My qualifications?
  • My education?
  • My personal life?
  • My child?
  • My mum?
  • How?

As you can see, the last question cannot be answered “YES” or “NO”. Therefore, the Subconscious mind chose the answer in the form of a direct thought dialogue, which the girl managed to catch: "You did not solve the problem with the child, and the new position will add to your trouble."

She understood this answer, since indeed her child was at home during the day, with her mother. But mother was very nervous about the fact that the child was restricting her freedom, and almost every day made her daughter hysterical over the phone. But she categorically rejected all the offers of her daughter to take a nanny or send the child to kindergarten - how can I give the child into the wrong hands in the presence of my own grandmother?

Therefore, the daughter immediately after finishing work ran home quickly so as not to listen to the mother’s claims. And the new position of the department head suggested that she would have to stay at work for an hour and a half every day, this was well known. This means that after the transition to a new position, the number of claims from the mother will increase sharply, and this negative can negate all the benefits of the new position. And the Subconscious, caring for the peace of mind of the girl, pointed out to her that she consciously did not want to see, carried away by the prospects of career growth.

It is clear that after solving the issue with the child, the girl can safely move to a new position and take advantage of all her benefits, no one will interfere with this.

This is one of the examples of consciously receiving help from your Subconscious, and there are many of them.

This is not a miracle

Naturally, there is also an intuition that allows you to receive information from the Pole of Power or even climb into the General Information Field, but this quality requires special development, the considered technique does not give access to these superpowers.

You can contact your Subconscious at any time - for example, directly during a conversation with another person.

You can turn to him at the table and ask if you should have any product that raises your doubts.

You can contact him at the time of making a responsible decision.

In general, communication with your Subconscious is a simple process, but it requires some time and relaxation at the initial stage.

Then, when you establish a steady contact, you will be able to communicate with your Subconscious at any time and anywhere. And if he likes you, then it will become your faithful friend, interlocutor and guide. And it costs a lot.

Many of people do not deny the existence of a subconscious system and its use in the process of life. Some even roughnesses of their nature are attributed to the game of the subconscious. But the actual state of affairs suggests that if a person finds the willpower in himself, learns to manage his inner world, then he will inevitably succeed in life. Every person needs to learn how to control subconscious processes, because it is then that the mind will control life, and not emotions and feelings. All decisions will be made harmoniously. So, in order to understand how to control the subconscious, you need to understand the basic facts.

What is the subconscious?

The subconscious mind is not a fictitious concept. This is a very real component of the human body, which is considered even in medicine. It is it that helps a person navigate in certain life situations. Some subconscious minds are confused with intuition. Throughout his life, a person accumulates in his subconscious mind a lot of information that is acquired through the experience of life years. Certain thoughts create habits or prompt a person to take some actions, sometimes unusual for him to act.

Habits acquired in this way are usually called psychological skills. It is they that are laid down to a person by parents, acquaintances, their own experience. Thanks to this, a personality is subsequently formed with his unique look at the world around him. It is this fact that explains the diversity of opinions and characters of people.

The subconscious mind does not regenerate new ideas or something like that. The thing is that a person creates his subconscious information himself. Thoughts, feelings, subconscious - in this order the transition of information occurs. Thus, everything that is reproduced in the thoughts of man becomes a part of the inner world. People program themselves. This quality can be used for yourself with incredible benefits, but otherwise you can get the opposite negative effect. The external environment also influences the accumulation of this information, therefore, a person must select his social circle qualitatively so as not to subsequently become part of a not entirely favorable company of people. The subconscious mindset is not so easy to change. Although there are certain techniques that help completely eliminate negative programs.

The initial task of the subconscious is to systematize and screen out unnecessary information. The choice, so to speak, of rational grain. This happens in the process of converting thoughts into visual images. The subconscious mind helps a person achieve their programmed goals that will help them succeed and complete certain desired tasks. The power of the subconscious is a rather powerful thing that can make a person more resistant to difficulties, thereby making the passage of life easier.

But, despite a number of such positive and important properties for humans, not everyone can dispose of such skills rationally. This suggests that with his thoughts a person can program his subconscious mind for negative phenomena, which subsequently can lead to a deplorable result. That is why it is important to monitor not only your actions, but also your thoughts. Psychologists recommend thinking positively.

If a person constantly thinks that, for example, he cannot start a family. After some time, thoughts move to the programming stage and the person completely disappears desire to have his own family. And already in the course of even a serious relationship, he avoids the family, psychologically repelling his partner.
  So, with simple actions, a person is able to harm himself and destroy his life fundamentally.

Subconscious Functions

For many, it will be a discovery that the work of the human body is determined by the functions of the subconscious. For a more visual representation, the human body can be compared with some kind of large production, which employs a huge number of people. Thus, the subconscious is the numerous working class that performs the necessary processes for the normal functioning of the enterprise. Consciousness and subconsciousness are in close cooperation. The role of consciousness is to establish global goals, that is, it is the director of the enterprise.

In addition, you can find other ways to compare. For example, the human body in its properties can be like a kind of computer. Human consciousness acts as a kind of programmer who is able to install certain programs and other components for the normal operation of the machine. But the subconscious mind provides the work of these programs, their reliability and the clear implementation of the necessary tasks. Only when the consciousness and subconscious mind form a harmonious tandem, can a person be happy.

The functions of the subconscious are pretty easy to understand. They are primarily aimed at systematizing and storing the necessary information in the human brain. If you develop its capabilities, you can come to the conclusion that it is simply unrealistic to limit them, a person can remember everything that he needs. It is a known fact that by the 21st year of life, an individual is able to accumulate in his head an incredible amount of information, which is several hundred times greater than the volume of the great British Encyclopedia. But the problem is that many do not know how to use this gift of nature and how to apply this or that knowledge at the right time. Work with the subconscious can lead a person to a different standard of living.

Scientists conducted research, during which they established that a person in a state of hypnosis in the smallest details can display any events in his life. But older people can even tell what happened 50 years ago, and the details will not be omitted. Such an experiment proves once again that the human brain is unlimited and has tremendous possibilities. All the secrets of the subconscious are not fully disclosed, but some points have already been studied.

The presence of such a reasonably easy to explain. The brain contains a huge amount of information due to processes occurring at a subconscious level. In addition, a large number of variable actions are constantly happening in the brain, for example, rewriting information, building logical chains. Unfortunately, man has not yet reached the point of directing such phenomena. To explain this is quite simple, because the process of assimilation of information and its systematization is not yet fully understood. All the secrets of the subconscious have not yet been revealed.

The process of subconscious transformation is very complicated. One of the most important functions is the homeostatic process. For example, this can include the temperature of the human body. It is her subconscious that supports her at 36.6. The subconscious mind controls the process of breathing and heartbeat. Thanks to this, a person is maintained in a normal and stable condition. The nervous system that supports chemical metabolism and many other processes works offline. Thanks to such streamlined work, the body feels comfortable and continues to live.

The balance of the body is supported by other functions, this also happens in the field of thinking. Your subconscious mind is able to remember the most comfortable conditions that you have ever experienced. Based on these conditions, our body seeks to return to that comfort zone again. If a person tries to go beyond its framework, the body begins to react not quite correctly, discomfort is felt both on the physical and emotional levels. It only says that the person’s subconscious mind has turned on its old functions and is trying to restore full comfort.

Any new sensations for a person, both physically and emotionally, can cause inconvenience, a sense of awkwardness and fear. Such feelings may manifest themselves, for example, when looking for a new job, passing the first exams, meeting new strangers, trying to establish a connection with the opposite sex. This is the whole palette that suggests that a person needs to leave the comfort zone, but the subconscious mind, unfortunately, does not allow this, because of this there is nervousness and a feeling of discomfort. To avoid such phenomena, people should learn how to control the subconscious.

Human development depends on the activity of the subconscious

A comfort zone can become a trap. This is especially true for creative and creative people. After all, it requires a flight of thought. Sometimes it is useful to survive physical stress. The calm and measured fluidity of life is truly the hell of a creative person. The comfort zone must be left to those people who have decided to become leaders. A person gains new experience, new skills that will later help him. But over time, all this again falls into the comfort zone.

Suppose, if you decide to be promoted through the ranks or forced to make an expensive purchase, you will feel discomfort and inconvenience for some time. In general, this process leads to the fact that a person is building a new comfort zone for himself on the basis of those rules that are necessary to achieve a specific goal. If a person cannot overcome these feelings, then it will be practically impossible to build a new comfort zone, but, and if he copes with this test, then, in the end, he will gain new knowledge, experience, as well as a new comfort zone that expands his capabilities .

If someone has set himself too high a goal, then he needs to be prepared for the long road. He will need to learn to let go of stereotypes and remove shortcuts. But this process takes time. This is the work with the subconscious.

The main rule is that a person must formulate a goal for himself. Moreover, this goal should be similar to the law, which he will constantly scroll in his thoughts. It is thanks to this that this goal will be recorded, so to speak, on the subcortex. A person will gradually begin to believe in it, and soon events will begin to come true. The power of the subconscious will itself push towards the correct actions that are necessary to achieve a specific goal. A person will become sensitive to the information that needs to be obtained in the process of achieving the goal, and then he really will realize a big goal in his ordinary life.

How does the subconscious mind

As previously stated, the subconscious mind is truly an amazing tool. It is it that can influence all spheres of life. But how is this going? If you look at this issue, you can understand how to change the subconscious.
Man is constantly building some of his inner beliefs and principles. Thus, its development or degradation occurs. Consciousness independently attracts to itself the interesting factors of a person’s life, makes you get acquainted with those people who correspond to his principles and beliefs, and much more. Surprising is the fact that a person believes in it or not, the subconscious will still exist. It does not depend on the desire of people or on their any social status. This law is ongoing. All troubles in life will happen only because of beliefs, because the subconscious mind can do anything - make a person happy or lead to problems. For example, if he is convinced that he is doomed to poverty, then it will be so. You need to start with the world will help change the outer shell. Starting with the latter makes no sense. There will be no changes. Situations will be repeated until the underlying deep causes are resolved. Therefore, it is very important to know how to control the subconscious. It must first be correctly programmed. In order for life to be harmonious in all areas, it is necessary to study the world around you. That is, thoughts should be literate and combined with real events. In this situation, a person will be able to achieve prosperity by changing not only the world around him, but also by changing something in himself. will provide an opportunity to get what you want, to improve yourself and help other people.

Consciousness Concentration

Not every person knows how to control the subconscious, although many have heard about it more than once. Not everyone understands its nature and uses. His strength is unlimited, and scientists have long proved this. If a person has learned to control his own subconscious, it means he has received additional vital energy, which will help him later. Having learned to control his own subconscious, he can direct his life in the direction that he needs.

There is a wonderful book, The Technique of Consciousness Management (Murphy Joseph). The author reveals in her the secrets of such a thing as “mental treatment”. This term has several interpretations. Firstly, by changing his subconscious, a person can change his essence. The author says that all the problems of people lie in unfulfilled desires. A man is deeply worried that he has not achieved a result, his plans have not been realized. In this case, you should not count on living in harmony. Secondly, mental treatment also means healing a person physically.

Subconscious Control Methods

The subconscious can do everything, a person only needs to set it up correctly. Many want some specific recommendations on how to do this. There are not many of them. The following are some of the methods for managing the subconscious mind:

  1. Before you go to bed, you need to give the subconscious mind the task - to solve a problem that bothers. The thought form accepted by the truth goes from the brain to the solar plexus and eventually materializes.
  2. Do not limit your subconscious mind to traditional methods. You need to think big.
  3. Do not deeply respond to pain in the body. One must trust in fate.
  4. Before going to bed, visualize the fulfillment of your desire several times. Thoughts, feelings, subconscious mind - all these are links of one chain.

Abilities of the subconscious system

Often, the subconscious is compared with a computer in which you can put a certain kind of program. This is how inner conviction and regeneration of thought occurs. As for the formation of human habits, their regeneration occurs due to the repeated repetition of certain formulations.
  Having formed certain psychological habits in himself, a person begins to gradually go towards the goal. In such a process, he gains certain convictions, new views, exactly what he needs to perceive the environment already in a new role. The subconscious system regenerates certain tasks thanks to visual and mental images. It is these aspects that are necessary in order for a person to receive such an attitude towards success.

Subconscious Tasks

A rather difficult function fell on the unconscious part of the human mind - this is the systematization and interpretation of certain data, which are laid in the process of thinking and visualization. The subconscious mind is obliged to help a person get exactly those desired thoughts and images that he imagined. But, in addition to this, it also helps a person to control the work of all internal organs and vital systems, this process is also incredibly important.

Possible difficulties

The problems that a person may encounter are a lack of knowledge for the proper formation of their own thoughts. People can fix in their subconscious mind absolutely not what they want. This is because an unconscious reaction cannot determine whether these are good thoughts or not. Therefore, he perceives everything as truth. In this situation, it is necessary to be very careful not to put destructive thoughts into your own unconscious reflexes.

How to deal with problems?

To overcome the destructive effect of thought, it is necessary to begin to understand why a person programs himself to fail. If he can cross that line, he will receive truly invaluable knowledge that will open a lot of doors for him. First of all, it is necessary to accustom yourself in any situation to think positively, to find positive sides even in the most hopeless situations, so as not to send negative energy flows into your own unconscious system.

Effective ways to change the paradigm offers George Sidorov. "Management of the subconscious and the way out of the matrix" is one of the best seminars in which techniques for working with your inner world are provided. Many other authors in their works also disclose realized practices of subconscious management. The book “Secrets of the subconscious” by Valery Sinelnikov will help you to believe in your strengths, confront difficulties, get rid of guilt, learn to forgive, eliminate depression and become a truly happy person.